Library copy also adding global cellname prefix?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by frondulate, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. frondulate

    frondulate Guest

    I'm using and want to copy all cells and views from one
    library, to another library.
    Whilst doing this, I'd like every cellname to have a prefix added to

    Can anyone suggest how to do this in a quick and easy manner because I
    can't see anything in the copy wizard that will do this for me.

    thanks in advance.
    frondulate, Aug 19, 2009
  2. frondulate

    Bernd Guest

    You may use the following code as a staring point

    procedure( DBcopyCellToPrefix( t_libName t_prefix "tt" )
    let( ( d_libId g_srcList g_destList G_src G_dest )

    d_libId = ddGetObj( t_libName )

    g_srcList = gdmCreateSpecList( )
    g_destList = gdmCreateSpecList( )

    foreach( d_cell d_libId~>cells

    "-- DBcopyCellToPrefix -- Copying cell %s to %s\n"
    d_cell~>name strcat( t_prefix d_cell~>name )
    G_src = gdmCreateSpec( t_libName d_cell~>name "functional" ""
    "Verilog" )
    gdmAddSpecToSpecList( G_src g_srcList )
    G_dest = gdmCreateSpec( t_libName strcat( t_prefix d_cell~>name )
    "functional" "" "Verilog" )
    gdmAddSpecToSpecList( G_dest g_destList )

    ) ;; close foreach


    ) ;; close let

    ) ;; close procedure
    Bernd, Aug 19, 2009
  3. frondulate

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi !

    This is a quick attempt, you might need to test it and also tailor it
    for your needs.
    Please bear in mind that the code as below does not rename any lib/
    cell references. I can make this bit if needed although I'm pretty
    much sure there is already something available in this forum.
    Anyway, just try the following code with something like:
    RKcopyLibWithPrefix("rkWorkLib" "rkTestLib" "myPrefix_")

    ; Skill Starts here
    procedure( RKcopyLibWithPrefix(srcLib destLib prefix @optional
    (overWrite t))
    foreach(cell libId~>cells~>name
    RKcopyCellWithPrefix(srcLib cell destLib prefix overWrite)
    ) ;foreach
    ) ;let
    procedure( RKcopyCellWithPrefix(srcLib srcCell destLib prefix
    @optional (overWrite t))
    let((destCell srcSpecList srcSpec
    dstSpecList dstSpec)
    destCell=strcat(prefix srcCell)
    srcSpecList = gdmCreateSpecList()
    srcSpec = gdmCreateSpec(srcLib srcCell nil nil "CDBA")
    gdmAddSpecToSpecList( srcSpec srcSpecList)
    dstSpecList = gdmCreateSpecList()
    dstSpec = gdmCreateSpec(destLib destCell nil nil "CDBA")
    gdmAddSpecToSpecList( dstSpec dstSpecList)
    ccpCopy(srcSpecList dstSpecList overWrite 'CCP_EXPAND_ALL )
    if(ddGetObj(destLib destCell)
    printf("Cell %s:%s has been succesfully copied to %s:%s\n"
    srcLib srcCell destLib destCell)
    error("CellView %s:%s failed to be copied to %s:%s\n" srcLib
    srcCell destLib destCell )
    ) ;let
    ; Skill Ends here

    Riad KACED, Aug 19, 2009
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