Library callback...

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Giuseppe, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. Giuseppe

    Giuseppe Guest

    I have another weird question for you! Do you know if is it possible
    to launch a skill function every time I use a particular library? I
    tried the file but this launchs the skill procedure only
    one time. Is there another solution to the problem?


    Giuseppe, Feb 2, 2005
  2. Giuseppe,

    You can use ddRegTrigger for this, with the "PreObjAccess" trigger.

    procedure(MYobjTrigger(lib cell view file context mode)
    printf("Accessed something from library %L\n" lib)

    ddRegTrigger("PreObjAccess" 'MYobjTrigger 1)

    Note, there is no such thing as "using" a library - the above would be
    triggered any time you access anything from that library. You'd need to be
    very careful that you don't impact performance.

    What in particular do you need this for?


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 2, 2005
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