Length limitation on Ocean sentence?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tao Chen, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. Tao Chen

    Tao Chen Guest


    In my Ocean scripts I put lots of sentences into "if" like this:
    if( (t) then
    (lots of sentences)

    It seems that the scripts cannot run correctly when the number of
    sentences is quite big (over 100). Is the length limitation the right

    Tao Chen, Apr 9, 2008
  2. Tao Chen

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Tao !

    What does 'Lots of sentences' mean ?
    What is/are the error message(s)
    What it is your spectre version (spectre -V , spectre -W)
    More sentences to explain your problem could be helpful ;-)

    Enjoy yourself !

    Riad KACED, Apr 9, 2008
  3. Tao Chen

    Tao Chen Guest

    Hi, Riad,

    Thanks for the reply. Sorry for my English. What I mean is "a lot of
    statements". It seems that I cannot put more than 100 statements
    inside the "if" statement. There is no error messages. The ocean
    scripts inside the "if" statement are simply ignored. I tried to
    delete some statements inside "if", then it works well.
    $ spectre -V
    @(#)$CDS: spectre version 6.1.1 09/07/2007 06:37 (usimlx111) $
    $ spectre -W

    My current solution is to put all the statements into a procedure, and
    invoke the procedure inside the "if" statement.

    Tao Chen, Apr 10, 2008
  4. Tao Chen wrote, on 04/10/08 22:11:
    The spectre subversion won't make a difference here - it's the IC version (if

    In general I wouldn't expect a limit (there is actually a limit on the size of
    the code vector, but it should be MUCH larger, and that will give an error about
    the code vector size being exceeded). What you should do is report this to
    customer support, with your OCEAN script, so that it can be investigated.


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 30, 2008
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