learning autocad 3d mode?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Leon Horsnell, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. Leon Horsnell

    Glen Appleby Guest

    I, too, can pretend to be a top-posting 'tard.

    I have worked in the Santa Clara Valley for over 30 years, with
    most of the shops both her and in other parts of the country.

    Now, I'm trying to understand part of what you wrote: "In these
    shops, AutoCAD is as common as hen's teeth." followed by
    "AutoCAD? They wouldn't waste their time with it."

    I'm trying to make sense out of your axe.

    "Who we are and who we become depends, in part, on whom we love."
    -- "A General Theory Of Love" Thanks, Mom
    Glen Appleby <HTTP://www.armory.com/~glena/>
    Glen Appleby, Sep 8, 2004
  2. Ever seen a chicken's smile, Glen?
    BTW, the top-poster/bottom-poster thing has yet to be decided
    by natural selection so you might wanna be nice just in case.
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 8, 2004
  3. Leon Horsnell

    Cadalot Guest

    I'm a top-poster person, weeeeeeeee''

    Cadalot, Sep 8, 2004
  4. You're not helping your side, Alan. ; )

    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 8, 2004
  5. Leon Horsnell

    CW Guest


    CW, Sep 9, 2004
  6. Leon Horsnell

    CW Guest

    Say you're drawing a boat hull. Yu lay out the ribs in proper position in 3D
    space. Lofting will project one rib to the next, as a solid, smoothly
    curved, to form your hull. It is the same as you do with your ductwork. You
    have a flange at one end and another, some distance away, that you have to
    connect with a smooth transition. Lofting does that. Click loft, select your
    objects, click finish and your done. Shape is controlled the same as a
    spline, with points between the extremities. As such, complex shapes often
    require a bit of messing with intermediate profiles but it can produce
    excellent results.
    CW, Sep 9, 2004
  7. Leon Horsnell

    Glen Appleby Guest

    Yup. But it required someone (not ME) punching her in the beak.
    Why, do ya think that CW might gimme a kiss and pissin' him off
    would void that?
    Glen Appleby, Sep 9, 2004
  8. No, because it would be the enlightened thing to do. If you can't stand
    someone's contributions here you can always do what I'm about to.....

    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 9, 2004
  9. Leon Horsnell

    Glen Appleby Guest

    If ya do that on the tip of the beak, might it be another way to
    make a bird smile?

    Glen (been off-net for a bit) Appleby
    Glen Appleby, Sep 21, 2004
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