Leaders and Ticks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jjfisk, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. jjfisk

    jjfisk Guest

    So hopefully this will prove to be a good forum to ask. We currently have 2 dimension styles, one to draw our leaders and another to draw our ticks. They are named Tick and Arrow, I would like to change this to a single dimstyle, problem is when I change the "arrow size" it changes for all "arrowheads" be it ticks, arrows, or whatever. This leaves us with arrows that are too small or ticks that are too large. So this leaves me with a couple of questions...
    1. Is there a hidden varible that controls leaders and 1st and second arrowhead separately?
    2. Is it possible to redefine the AutoCAD arrowhead to be a larger arrowhead?
    3. Does someone have some code that does this while running the dimension (i.e. linear dimensions automatically set the arrowhead size for proper ticks, leaders automatically set the arrowhead size for arrows.)?
    jjfisk, Jan 5, 2004
  2. jjfisk

    Mark Propst Guest

    Create the parent Dimension style with tick arrow head.
    Set arrow size to size desired, eg: 1/16"
    Create a child style under the parent for leaders
    Set leader arrow to closed filled or whatever desired,
    Set arrow size to size desired, eg: 1/8"

    2 dimension styles, one to draw our leaders and another to draw our ticks.
    They are named Tick and Arrow, I would like to
    Mark Propst, Jan 5, 2004
  3. here is a template using reactors:

    ;;; code starts here


    ;;; callback function for command cancelled
    (defun dim-tick-arrow-cancelled (reactor params)

    ((wcmatch (car params) "*DIM*")

    ;;; your code goes here...

    ((wcmatch (car params) "*LEADER*")

    ;;; your code goes here...


    ;;; callback function for command ended
    (defun dim-tick-arrow-commandended (reactor params)

    ((wcmatch (car params) "*DIM*")
    (prompt "\nLINEAR DIMENSION ENDED...\n")

    ;;; your code goes here...

    ((wcmatch (car params) "*LEADER*")
    (prompt "\nLEADER DIMENSION ENDED...\n")

    ;;; your code goes here...


    ;;; callback function for command start
    (defun dim-tick-arrow-commandwillstart (reactor params)

    ((wcmatch (car params) "*DIM*")
    (prompt "\nLINEAR DIMENSION WILL START...\n")

    ;;; do the settings for your linear dimension here

    ((wcmatch (car params) "*LEADER*")
    (prompt "\nLEADER DIMENSION WILL START...\n")

    ;;; do the settings for your leader dimension here


    ;; load the reactor once
    (or dim_tick_arrow_reactor
    (setq dim_tick_arrow_reactor
    "dim tick arrow"
    '(:)vlr-commandwillstart . dim-tick-arrow-commandwillstart)

    ;;; :)vlr-commandended . dim-tick-arrow-commandended)
    ;;; :)vlr-cancelled . dim-tick-arrow-cancelled)



    ;;; code ends here

    for the tick and arrowhead i normally use a custom block.

    2 dimension styles, one to draw our leaders and another to draw our ticks.
    They are named Tick and Arrow, I would like to change this to a single
    dimstyle, problem is when I change the "arrow size" it changes for all
    "arrowheads" be it ticks, arrows, or whatever. This leaves us with arrows
    that are too small or ticks that are too large. So this leaves me with a
    couple of questions...
    (i.e. linear dimensions automatically set the arrowhead size for proper
    ticks, leaders automatically set the arrowhead size for arrows.)?
    Luis Esquivel, Jan 5, 2004
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