Leader Question, radii

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hayduke, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    I have two arcs, in the drawing, near each other, the same radius. I'd
    like to place one dimension with two leaders, one to each arc...is this
    do-able with "real" dimensions? Or do I have to 'fake it' with a note?

    hayduke, Mar 24, 2006
  2. hayduke

    Michael Guest

    You have to do it with a note, but it's not quite faking it...

    While in the note, click on the model dimension, the text of which will
    appear in the note, and update automagically if the radius changes. Then
    hide the model dimension. You'll have to type the "R"....
    Michael, Mar 24, 2006
  3. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    Nice...thanks for the tip!
    hayduke, Mar 24, 2006
  4. hayduke

    Jason Guest

    And I think 2007 will add this capability to add two leaders from a
    raduis dimension....so not much longer.
    Jason, Mar 25, 2006
  5. hayduke

    IYM Guest

    Another issue is that you will not be able to display tolerances using this
    method. So if you change the tolerance in the model, it won't carry over to
    the print, as well as just not being able to display it correctly. If you
    use a +/- tol, you can just enter it in the note, but you're up the creek if
    you want a bilateral. Best practice would be to use "2X" on a real
    dimension if possible or if obvious.

    IYM, Mar 27, 2006
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