lead up the garden path by solidworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Lee Bazalgette, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. Why does solidworks 'work' one moment and fall to pieces the next, with the
    same files and everything? I've been working on imported surfaces, which
    came in a knitted together fine (two halves of a bottle). Then I thicken to
    solid and perform a whole range of other tasks on them, then save and close.
    Then I reopen with no problem, edit and add features with no problem. Then
    I save and close, re-open and re-edit, and BAMM - original surface-knit no
    longer works. So why lead me on like this? I know I can use CTRL-Q to check,
    but why build the surface-knit in the first place?

    (SW2003, SP3.1, Win2K, 1GB RAM etc etc...)
    Lee Bazalgette, Sep 3, 2003
  2. We've got one part that cycles through good and bad every time you rebuild
    it. Other parts seem to fail much more randomly. We have parts that are fine
    for long periods of time and then suddenly fail. Rebuilding them brings them
    back OK...for a while. Sometimes one part, which is based on another part,
    will suddenly fail. Load the base part, which is invariably OK, and then the
    child will rebuild successfully. I don't have any explanation for any of
    this, but adding more new features is apparently much more important than
    making the modeler more robust.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 3, 2003
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