LDT Buggy network Install and SP1 problems

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ted Schaefer, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Ted Schaefer

    Ted Schaefer Guest

    The buggy network installation of 2005 Civil software has been quite a
    disaster and time waster for me.
    Perhaps this might help a few people avoid the same pitfalls.

    First, when you create a network installation admin image using the network
    installation wizard,
    it creates 2 empty directories that I know of (Express tools (noted in tech
    doc TS84941 May-04) and Eula).
    You manually have to copy files over from the CDs.

    Secondly, a "secret" change has been made, designating normal USA software
    as "LOCKED".
    Civil is unique, out of sync from other 2005 product. Normal AutoCAD and ADT
    remain "unlocked".
    So if you download the LDT Service pack for unlocked software, released
    10-21-04, it will not work.

    By secret, I mean that there is no mention of the change to locked on the
    patch website.
    There is nothing noted on LDT's CD packaging. The error message during
    installation is not informative.
    It is a complete departure from all other AutoCAD 2005 products which use
    the unlocked
    Service Pack.

    I've shot a full day figuring out the pieces to make an up to date network
    installation of LDT, Civil Design, Survey and Raster Design.

    IMHO two things should happen. All Civil users should get a new set of CDs
    with a note on red paper explain the changed to "locked" software.
    Secondly, Autodesk needs to figure out a better way to get out this
    information to their dealers, CAD admins and the community at large.

    Cheers, Ted

    Ted Schaefer, WD Partners
    Ted Schaefer, Nov 15, 2004
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