LDT 2005 Network Auth Manager missing?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Schmidt, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. John Schmidt

    John Schmidt Guest

    OK, I'm finally installing the network version of LDT 2005 and the Network
    Authorization Manager is obviously missing. Is manually authorizing through
    LMtools the only way?

    John Schmidt, Jun 9, 2004
  2. John Schmidt

    John Schmidt Guest

    OK, if you say so. The network installation guide says you can use it to
    automatically get the auth codes without having to email or call the
    requests in. 'Guess I'll have to do it manually...

    John Schmidt, Jun 9, 2004
  3. John Schmidt

    Allen Jessup Guest

    I saved this post by Greg Suppes from 5/7/04. I would have directed you to
    the original thread but I can't find it anymore. I woun't be deploying 2005
    untill later this month. So I don't have any first had experience with it.

    Each application requires its own version of the Network License
    Authorization utility and the Civil Design 2005, Survey 2005 and Raster
    Design 2005 products do not offer this feature.

    The Land Desktop 2005 product does offer the feature however. You can
    install the Network License Auth utility for LDT 2005, by inserting the CD
    and going to the "Network Deployment" of the initial install browser screen
    that comes up. There you will find the link to install the Network License
    Auth utility.
    Allen Jessup, Jun 9, 2004
  4. John Schmidt

    John Schmidt Guest

    Nope! That's the problem - the Network License Auth Utility is missing from
    the LDT 2005 Network Deployment install routines...

    John Schmidt, Jun 9, 2004
  5. John Schmidt

    Allen Jessup Guest

    Maybe that's why I couldn't find the original post. I could have been pulled
    to avoid confusion.
    Allen Jessup, Jun 9, 2004
  6. John Schmidt

    Anne Brown Guest

    Try this -

    Go to http://discussion.autodesk.com/index2.jspa?categoryID=22

    Put in "authorization Manager" without the "". 101 past
    discussions on this topic will come up for your review.

    The whole cut/paste on searching:
    The discussion group search engine provides flexibility for
    searching through existing message content. To search:

    1. Go to http://discussion.autodesk.com/

    2. Select a product (Example: AutoCAD or Autodesk Inventor).

    3. Type your keywords into the search box and click Search. Note:
    You can further refine your query by selecting a specific
    discussion group from the dropdown provided. Your group choices
    will vary in the drop down, based on where you have navigated on
    the discussion group site.

    Search results are sorted by relevance (a complex query of all
    relevant content based on your keywords and group choices).
    Clicking on the message result will display the entire thread
    (the series of messages and replies).
    Anne Brown, Jun 9, 2004
  7. I'm so sorry, I completely missed the point. :-$

    On a side note, why not let your reseller handle it for you? When we buy new
    seats or get our VIP, our reseller is usually about a day behind in sending
    me a new.lic file. I find it quite nice. They keep my server name and MAC on
    their file, and I get a no hassle update. Just a thought.

    James Wedding, P.E.
    IT Manager
    Jones & Boyd, Inc.
    Dallas, TX
    XP/1 on P4-3.4/1G

    Troll :a slang term for a person who posts messages without contributory
    content, simply intended to incite conflict. http://wikipedia.com
    James Wedding, Jun 11, 2004
  8. John Schmidt

    John Schmidt Guest

    I ended up calling authcodes and they emailed me the license files right
    away, though they messed up a set for one of our locations - they typed in
    the server name incorrectly, and it took me a while to track that down,
    (they used an O instead of 0).

    John Schmidt, Jun 11, 2004
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