LCD Monitors, what to look for...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by WC, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. WC

    WC Guest

    My old CRT is starting to act up, I'm looking at getting an LCD flat
    panel, Samsung & Viewsonic have some reasonably priced large ones (~21")

    What are some key factors/features I need to look for to be happy with
    one, especially with SWX?

    WC, Oct 26, 2006
  2. I have two Samsung SyncMasters. One is the 213T (21") and the other is
    the 940T (19"). I think they're both great and have no complaints
    whatsoever (aside from the fact that I wish they were both
    21"...thanks, boss.).
    Jeff Mirisola, Oct 26, 2006
  3. WC

    bob zee Guest

    response time, actual resolution where it is most happy and contrast

    bob z. has a Rosewill 19" at home. it is really nice considering the
    price. the rosewill generally gets pretty good reviews:

    bob z.
    bob zee, Oct 26, 2006
  4. WC

    Brian Guest

    Too great a response time will drive you nuts. 20 ms is far too long.
    8-12 is acceptable. 4 ( my home monitor ) is an un-noticable delay. You
    can get faster, but you'll pay a huge price for it.
    Brian, Oct 26, 2006
  5. WC

    JTolman Guest

    You might be wary of marketed response times. I can't remember the
    details but I know that manufacturers misrepresent response times. I'm
    sure you could find more about this on a monitor/lcd newsgroup.

    JTolman, Oct 26, 2006
  6. WC

    Ken Guest

    Really, faster than 4 ms! I thought 4 ms was as low as they got, at least
    from a white to black state, with gray to gray state being typically 2 to 3
    times that.

    Ken, Oct 26, 2006
  7. WC

    Brian Guest

    Brian, Oct 26, 2006
  8. WC

    TOP Guest

    We've been buying lower priced 19" units for about $186. We set them up
    as dual monitor systems. The guys really like them because you can have
    SW on one side and ERP, eDrawings, etc. on the other. We have good
    quality NVidia cards in all machines so this works out great.
    TOP, Oct 26, 2006
  9. WC

    kenneth Guest

    kenneth, Oct 26, 2006
  10. WC

    Zander Guest

    I don't believe any of this response time stuff. If response time is
    the time to go from a black pixel to a white pixel that would be
    usefull if I was strobing my monitors with white and black squares all

    I have 2 ag neovo 19 inch lcd's, they are both digital and are well
    reviewed. I bought them 3 months apart - the first is 25ms and the
    second is 12 ms and the only way to tell the difference is to look at
    the back where the sticker says it.

    I would pay more attention to resolution, bad pixel policy, nits
    (brightness), bezel width, and warranty....
    Zander, Oct 27, 2006
  11. WC

    Brian Guest

    Response time would not be an issue if cursor position were a closed
    loop and the monitor were somehow telling the cpu where the cursor was.

    Lets say you move your mouse at a rate that traverses the screen
    corner-to-corner in a 1/2 second ( thats pretty slow ). My current monitor
    is a 21". Thats moving at .0105"/ms. A 4ms response time gives a possible
    error of .042", 25ms possible of .2625". If you are zinging the cursor back
    and forth across the screen mashing buttons, with hardly a pause inbetween
    ( something SW likes to have you do ), that translates into missed mouse
    clicks. Where you thought the cursor was when you clicked, is not the same
    as where the CPU thinks it is. Perhaps you don't notice the delay, I
    deffinately do.

    The other specs you mention are absolutely important. But those are
    specs that are obvious. I only mention response time because its not a spec
    that everyone would think to consider. Its not something you notice on the
    showroom floor. The higher response times ( within reason ) would not
    normally effect the average user.
    Brian, Oct 27, 2006
  12. Am I correct in also thinking that a slower response time will show itself
    when rotating a model? I have seen some cheap LCD monitors and even changing
    text is fuzzy until it catches up.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 27, 2006
  13. WC

    Mr. Who Guest

    Have you considered two 19" monitors as opposed to one 21"+ monitor? I
    have found that my productivity is greatly increased by having two
    separate monitors.

    It is easier to manage windows, especially because I always work with
    "maximized" windows. If you really only work with one application at a
    time then just one larger monitor would probably be best for you.

    As far as response times go - there is so much disinformation out there
    it will make your head spin. There is no standardized method for
    measuring response times. There is g2g - gray to gray. b2w - black to
    white. Some companys advertise the time from b2w2b.

    Really any monitor manufactured within the last two years or so from a
    reputable manufacturer will be fine. Dell periodically has great deals
    posted at Just last week they had a 20.1" widescreen
    for $230 shipped.

    As far as measuring mouse accuracy based on ms response time - it
    doesn't add up. I've been using lcd's for both work and play (first
    person shooters) since they first became popular about 5 years ago and
    have never had a problem with mouse accuracy. And the response times
    on those old lcd's were definitely slow! I can be described as a
    computer nerd whose fingers can move faster than most people think ;).

    Good luck buying!
    Mr. Who, Oct 31, 2006
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