LCD A good choice for Drafting/3D Modeling?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chris Gyotar, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. Chris Gyotar

    Chris Gyotar Guest


    I was wondering if any of you use LCD Monitors and if you have found any
    disadvantages with using them, such as latency and brightness, etc. If you
    could be so kind to suggest a make and model, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Chris Gyotar, Jul 15, 2005
  2. Chris Gyotar

    Cam J Guest


    I use a Sony 21" CRT at work and have a Samsung 213T LCD at home and use
    both with Solidworks.

    The Samsung is way better... IMHO

    Latency is not an issue.... processor speed is.
    Cam J, Jul 15, 2005
  3. Chris Gyotar

    Greg Farris Guest

    We'ver had this discussion here several times already, even as recently as a
    few months ago. I was in the minority, is stating that I still hold a slight
    preference for the CRT. The overwhelming majority of contributors stated
    that, having experience with both, they have switched to LCD displays, and
    would not consider going back. Some models mentioned were Planar PX191 and
    Nec AccuSync LCD91vm, both users reporting great satisfaction.

    While it is obvious that latency is visible with these displays, to say it is
    an "issue" is less obvious. I don't know why a CAD designer would spend "a
    lot of time spinning 3D models". You spin it to where you need to work. It's
    not a video game.

    Don't beat a dead horse - get a good LCD monitor.

    G Faris
    Greg Farris, Jul 15, 2005
  4. Chris Gyotar

    gruhn Guest

    I was wondering if any of you use LCD Monitors and if you have found any

    The boss has a fairly nice ViewSonic. Had it for a while now (two years?)
    and just the other day I asked him how he was liking now that it was not new
    and cool. Still quite happy with it. Hasn't bugged me about a more stable
    base but probably wouldn't mind if I found one.
    Doesn't make sense. They should be quite smooth but maybe a bit ghosty. If
    they are herky jerky its may be because the critique was made by somebody
    blaming the display for the faults of an underpowered laptop.
    I'd have thought that pulling the display surface to your usual location
    would INCREASE the amount of space behind.
    gruhn, Jul 15, 2005
  5. Chris Gyotar

    Cam J Guest

    Michael.... you can read all you like. I'm just telling Chris my 'real
    world' experience.

    That's what he asked for.

    I notice no latency on my LCD and would prefer to use it all the time.

    For me, of far more importance is processor speed for productivity. You need
    enough ram for head room, but a faster processor means all operations are
    faster, including graphics even if you have the fastest card on the market.

    At home I use an old Gforce 3 card and at work I have a Quadro 3400. I
    notice little difference in the graphics speed of both.
    Cam J, Jul 15, 2005
  6. Chris Gyotar

    NorthSlope Guest


    I read through all the reply posts to your request.

    Here's a simple answer

    . I use TeklaStructures version 10 (solid modeling, and believe me, we can
    make the model spin!) and AutoCAD. I've used three different LCD monitors
    with both. A Microtek C893 18", a Sceptre DCL9 19", and a Hyndai L70N 17".
    All have GREAT display with both modeling and drafting. Latency has NEVER
    been an issue.

    I don't care what the 'experts' claim (argue). I have an IBM G94 CRT
    sitting here beside the LCD, and it doesn't compare well with the LCDs. I
    won't go back to a plain CRT alone. The LCD is easier on the eyes with no
    flicker, and the performance with brightness and color can't be matched and
    maintained in either a CRT or Plasma display. Both the latter will degrade
    over time. Not so with the LCD.

    If you want to get an LCD for 3D work, I would recommend not buying the
    cheapest (i.e. slowest, with d.p.>.26). Buy something you'll be happy with
    for a long time, because it will last a long time. This G94 is only about 3
    years old, and it's losing it's brightness, just like the 17" CRT before it.
    I've had the Microtek monitor almost three years now, and it's still as
    bright as the day I pulled it out of the box.

    I wouldn't use anything less than an LCD. Personal preference, yes, and with
    good reason. I've tried and proved them. Better Color, Better long term
    performance, Run cooler, use less power, Better on the eyes.......

    My wife is a photographer, and she prefers the color performance of the LCD
    over any of the CRT monitors we've had.

    I agree with Greg Farris in his post. Latency is NOT an issue. I do
    'flybys' with TeklaStructures and they look/work great. Same with

    Like he said..... 'Stop beating the dead horse', and go buy a 'good' LCD.
    You'll not be sorry.

    Norm - NorthSlope Detailing
    NorthSlope, Jul 21, 2005
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