Layout XL Issue

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by eric.d.fitzsimmons, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Hi All,

    I have an issue where if I turn the Layout XL to a depth of more than
    one and have a pin from a subcell and I connect to that pin on the
    same metal layer where there is a via under that metal pin I get the
    error below. So, in the case I am seeing I have a M2 pin with Via1
    below and when I connect to it I get this error. Now, I do not get
    the error if I connect to the M2 with the via below moved or

    The Via is created with the Create Contact command and it is a
    symbolic via. I noticed in the Layout XL Options form there is
    under Verification and Generation "Properties Used to Ignore Objects"
    also there is "Parameters to Ignore." I would think I could have
    Layout XL "ignore" symbolic vias, but can't seem to get that to
    work. Does anyone know how to do this? Why does the via have
    <nil> instead of the net attached to it?

    I know this seems anal, and maybe it is a little, but I have 50 or so
    of this in my design.

    Thank you in advance,

    location: ("ukko_ga860_work" "Ukko_cur_multi_esd_sep_vdd_v4" "layout")
    reason: Warning: Illegal hierarchical connection to internal net
    instance `|I2' and path on layer `metal2 drawing' on net `<nil>'.)
    eric.d.fitzsimmons, Mar 19, 2009
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