layout sample in GDSII format ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tom Tseng, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. Tom Tseng

    Tom Tseng Guest

    Hello, everyone,

    I am doing some experiments on VLSI layouts.

    The first step is to write a program that can read
    GDSII layout format and display the geometry on
    the screen. I have made it. However, right now I
    need some layouts in GDSII format to test my

    Do you know how can I download or get some layout
    samples? Large layouts would be great.

    Thanks for your time and your help.

    Best regards,
    Tom Tseng, Apr 23, 2005
  2. Tom,
    I have also written a GDSII viewer that can load multi-GB files. It's a
    lot of work to support everything in the GDSII format. What
    language/graphics environment are you using? I've found that the best way
    to search for layouts is through an FTP search engine such as . I used to use AllTheWeb for FTP search,
    but it seems like that site no longer supports FTP. Try searching for
    *.gds, *.gds2, *.gdsII, and *.strm.

    Frank E. Gennari, Apr 23, 2005
  3. Tom Tseng

    Tom Tseng Guest

    Dear Frank,

    I have got some layout files via the search engine that
    you provided. Many thanks.

    The programing language that I'm using is Java. I chose it
    because I can implement the software quickly. In addition,
    the GUI and graphics are all included in Java, and I can
    run the program on many different OS's without compiling
    the source code again. However, my program only supports
    limited record types. As you have said, it's a lot of work to
    support all of them.

    How about you? Which programming language are you using?

    Again, thanks for helping me out.

    Best regards,
    Tom Tseng, Apr 23, 2005
  4. On Sat, 23 Apr 2005 20:19:14 +1000, Tom Tseng wrote:
    I have written a complete suite of gds tools,
    included an gds editor(with almost cadence virtuoso functionality), but
    also a program to display 3d gds files :)
    Guenther Sohler, Apr 25, 2005
  5. Tom Tseng

    John Gianni Guest

    FOR NON COMMERCIAL USE ONLY, the Cadence external web
    site contains a series of complete design kits and complete chips in a
    variety of processes which are available for UNIVERSITY USE AND OTHER
    NON-COMMERCIAL users only!

    I am NOT a lawyer so read the licence agreement carefully on that site
    & elsewhere; but for those who fit the intended user, these complete
    chips and complete front-to-back design flows may be of use.

    John Gianni
    "Nothing I post to USENET should be misconstrued as official
    John Gianni, Apr 25, 2005
  6. Tom,
    I wrote my layout viewer in C++, using OpenGL/GLUT/GLUI for the graphics.
    Java is great for writing a quick cross-platform program, but I needed
    higher performance so that I could load large layouts. Mine is
    cross-platform, assuming all of the required libraries are available. My
    viewer supports all of the GDSII records with no limitations, but it was a
    lot of work (~25K lines of code), and there are a lot of features. Most
    existing tools use X for graphics, but as layouts get larger I believe
    more and more tools will use something like OpenGL that utilizes the power
    of today's high-performance graphics cards. Good luck with your project.

    Frank E. Gennari, Apr 25, 2005
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