Layout cross section

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Roger Light, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. Roger Light

    Roger Light Guest


    Ages ago I asked how it was possible to get a list of all layers at a
    point in a layout. The original thread is at
    if you're interested.

    I created a tool to help generate simplistic cross sections of layouts
    with the help of that skill code, but don't seem to have mentioned it
    here before. It's simplistic because it assumes that all layers are
    perfectly planar and are unaffected by the presence/lack of other layers
    above/below them. We still find it pretty useful, especially for people
    new to layout.

    The link is


    Roger Light, Jan 10, 2009
  2. Roger Light

    S. Badel Guest


    Looks like a nice little tool. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    S. Badel, Jan 11, 2009
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