
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by C Witt, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. C Witt

    C Witt Guest

    Does anyone know how i can access this command from a lisp?..

    (command "laymrg") wont work.. same with "_laymrg.. "-laymrg..


    can anyone tell me were I can find the actual lisp for this command??..
    and i'll just "use" it rather than call it up.
    C Witt, Aug 7, 2003
  2. C Witt

    Tom Smith Guest

    A lisp isn't a "command" though lisp functions named with a c: prefix can be
    run from the command line.

    Use (c:laymrg) to call the function from another lisp.
    Tom Smith, Aug 7, 2003
  3. C Witt

    C Witt Guest

    ok, but how do I get it to merge the layers?.. (NO user input required)
    C Witt, Aug 7, 2003
  4. C Witt

    C Witt Guest

    got it



    thanks ;p
    C Witt, Aug 7, 2003
  5. C Witt

    C Witt Guest

    new problem.. this works if you C&P into the command line.. but not if
    it is loaded as a lisp file.. it ignores the t scale... and asks for
    user input.. WHY?!?!
    C Witt, Aug 7, 2003
  6. C Witt

    Bob Basques Guest

    try . . .

    (command (c:laymrg) "t" "scale" "" "t" "text" "y" )

    Bob Basques, Aug 7, 2003
  7. C Witt

    C Witt Guest

    nope.. it ignores the data.. and askes for user input
    C Witt, Aug 7, 2003
  8. C Witt

    Dan Allen Guest

    Hmm, first I've heard of someone who know lisp but not what a script file
    was, but anyway, one's attached. Check out help for more info.

    Type script & run it.

    Use (defun c:mylaymrg () (command "script"
    "c:\\yourpath\\laymrg.scr")(princ)) to tie it to a lisp.

    Dan Allen, Aug 8, 2003
  9. C Witt

    C Witt Guest

    uh.. were is the file?.. (using the NG if that matters)..?.. perhaps
    you could email it?
    C Witt, Aug 8, 2003
  10. C Witt

    C Witt Guest

    BTW, Thanks.

    C Witt, Aug 8, 2003
  11. Go to Help -> Help (or press F1) on the Index tab, type in
    the word script, should give you a good idea of what it is.
    Jason Piercey, Aug 8, 2003
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