Layers vent

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Gra-gra, May 20, 2004.

  1. Gra-gra

    Gra-gra Guest

    Can anyone explain to me why, after 23 releases of Pro Engineer,
    something as simple as removing an entity like a datum plane from a
    layer is still such a f***ing problem? Why can I still try it 3 or 4
    different ways and the f***ing datum planes are still on their f***ing
    layers? And it's not the first time in case you were
    Gra-gra, May 20, 2004
  2. Gra-gra

    Gra-gra Guest

    Here's another one. Maybe somone has an answer for this.

    I have a master part with layers. In an assembly I merge (reference)
    this part into a series of child parts. These parts get the same
    layers with the same surfaces, curves, datum planes on them as per the
    master part. Of course now these surfaces, curves, datum planes are
    not now separate features but are part of feature #1, the merge. I
    don't want the same level of complexity of layers in the child parts
    but when I try to delete the bloody layers they pop up again later on.
    Is there a setting that changes the associativity of layers
    with the parent part?
    Gra-gra, May 21, 2004
  3. Gra-gra

    David Janes Guest

    : Here's another one. Maybe somone has an answer for this.
    : I have a master part with layers. In an assembly I merge (reference)
    : this part into a series of child parts. These parts get the same
    : layers with the same surfaces, curves, datum planes on them as per the
    : master part. Of course now these surfaces, curves, datum planes are
    : not now separate features but are part of feature #1, the merge. I
    : don't want the same level of complexity of layers in the child parts
    : but when I try to delete the bloody layers they pop up again later on.
    : Is there a setting that changes the associativity of layers
    : with the parent part?

    I was checking out to try to answer another post and decided to see
    what I could 'find' on 'layer'. This one looks interesting, maybe worth a closer
    look because it refers to an interface for selecting assemblies and layers. The
    option is intf_in_layer_asm_dialog which might apply to reference parts in
    assemblies as well as imported geometry.

    David Janes
    David Janes, May 21, 2004
  4. Not that it helps with your legacy parts, but other data sharing
    features like ExtCopyGeom do not bring in the layers of the referenced

    - Wallace
    Wallace White, May 21, 2004
  5. Gra-gra

    Gra-gra Guest

    I know, but I don't like that command, it's not really parametric IMO.
    Gra-gra, May 24, 2004
  6. Gra-gra

    Gra-gra Guest

    Here's another one.
    I have several default layers. Someone else who was checking my work
    on another computer has different default layers on their system. Now
    every time I regen my assembly these bloody extra layers come up
    again. I delete them and they keep reappearing. They are not set as
    default layers on my and do not reference any common files.
    How do i stop them from reappearing?
    Gra-gra, May 25, 2004
  7. Gra-gra

    Gra-gra Guest

    (Wallace White) wrote in message

    Hmm, I'm curious what you mean by that. Could you explain?

    - Wallace

    When you copy geometry, you can pick any group of surfaces, regardless
    of how they're made or what feature they belong to. If your model
    changes you often have to redefine the copy geom (in assembly mode) to
    add the extra surfaces.

    If, for example, you grab the surfaces of a round feature, and maybe
    the edge changes and the number of surface pieces in the round
    changes, then your copy geom ignores that extra bit of surface and you
    wind up with a gap. At least, that's how I remember it. Maybe intent
    surfaces can be used now in copy geom?
    Gra-gra, May 26, 2004
  8. Gra-gra

    David Janes Guest

    : Here's another one.
    : I have several default layers. Someone else who was checking my work
    : on another computer has different default layers on their system. Now
    : every time I regen my assembly these bloody extra layers come up
    : again. I delete them and they keep reappearing. They are not set as
    : default layers on my and do not reference any common files.
    : How do i stop them from reappearing?

    Sounds like your company has Pro/MODELCHECK running in batch mode. It tries to
    enforce certain rules about model construction, parameters, views, layers and a
    bunch of other stuff. In particular, it adds/deletes layers, moves items to
    layers, removes items duplicated on multiple layers. It does this unattended,
    during off hours and goes through any changed files, often in conjunction with the
    pdm system. If it were available for all users, you'd find it under
    'Analysis>Model Check' and you could run your own check and get a report of what
    doesn't match the criteria set up for checking and which it deems in need of
    fixing. If they had but a single license and ran it in batch mode, you might never
    even know they had Model Check.

    There is no other functionality, within Pro/e or Intralink, which automatically
    brings about the changes you're experiencing with layers. It is *not* normal
    functioning for layers to resist deletion or undelete themselves. Also, other
    people's def_layer setups in have no influence on files that were not
    created on that host as the def_layer settings work *only* when a file is created.
    It does *not* come along behind you and restore deleted layers: even Pro/GOOFY
    isn't that goofy! If you'd like to check where, besides your workstation, your
    files are being altered, look at 'Info>Audit Trail' which shows information from
    the file header about every hostname that has opend and saved the file. BTW, a
    checker notating your drawings with Markup Mode shouldn't alter your files or even
    require saving them. But, while files are at WIP level, anyone in an authorized
    group can do anything they like with the files unless a pdm checkout procedure is
    preventing them. Once checked back in at WIP level, they're fair game. Once again,
    though, this is looking outside the normal functioning of and

    Good luck, let us know what you figure out. It's not an easy one, that's for sure.

    David Janes
    David Janes, May 26, 2004
  9. Yes, you can use intent surfaces and chains in the data sharing
    features (CopyGeom, ExtCopyGeom, PublishGeom). Also you can select
    quilts rather than individual surfaces. Same goes for complete datum
    curve features instead of individual curve entities.

    All of these can be selected in the "Misc Refs" section of the data
    sharing feature. I advocate using Misc Refs rather than individual
    surface, edge, or curve references for the reason you point out, and
    also because Misc Refs gives a nice list of the referenced features.

    - Wallace
    Wallace White, May 26, 2004
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