Layers in Asm vs Prt

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Aggrevated, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest

    Ok, WF3.

    I have a .prt that is a rough casting.

    I put this part into an .asm and make all my machining operations.

    the casting has datums x,y,z that are referenced on the drawing of
    the .prt for gd&t.

    The asm has datums x,y,z that are DIFFERENT than those of the casting
    that are needed for gd&t for the machining operations.

    follow me?

    To limit confusion while in the asembly I hid the layer
    "01___PRT_ALL_DTM_PLN". Works great BUT

    when I go an open the .prt file to make a change to its print, the
    layers are hidden there too.

    How can I hide these datums ONLY in the ASSEMBLY?

    Thank you.
    Aggrevated, Aug 26, 2008
  2. Aggrevated

    Janes Guest

    Ok, WF3.

    I have a .prt that is a rough casting.

    I put this part into an .asm and make all my machining operations.

    the casting has datums x,y,z that are referenced on the drawing of
    the .prt for gd&t.

    The asm has datums x,y,z that are DIFFERENT than those of the casting
    that are needed for gd&t for the machining operations.

    follow me?

    To limit confusion while in the asembly I hid the layer
    "01___PRT_ALL_DTM_PLN". Works great BUT

    when I go an open the .prt file to make a change to its print, the
    layers are hidden there too.

    How can I hide these datums ONLY in the ASSEMBLY?

    Thank you.
    There are two drawing options called draw_layer_overrides_model and ignore_model_layer_status which, if they are left at thier defaults of NO and YES, should allow the drawing layers to be set indendently of the model and assembly layers. IOW, the layers can be blanked in the model/assembly and unhidden in the drawing without it trying to change the display or status of the model layers. This is especially perplexing because PTC, in their infinite wisdom, made it necessary for these layers to be displayed to be able to "show" them in the drawing. And, if you have released parts/assemblies, you don't want the drawing changing things that will tell the PDM/PLM system that you've altered released parts. Naturally, because it's in a trivial and insignificant way, people get even MORE excited.

    David Janes
    Janes, Aug 27, 2008
  3. Aggrevated

    John.R.Wade Guest

    Might I suggest you instead merge the cast part into a machined part
    (rather than an assembly) as you'll be limited in feature types you
    can create in an assembly. If you put this first feature in a layer
    (maybe called COPY_GEOM) then you can switch off & on all it's non-
    solid features with one button.
    John.R.Wade, Aug 27, 2008
  4. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest

    That works great for the drawing. But when adding features to the
    assembly I still have to deal with the part datums being in the way.

    Or just remember to turn those layers back on when I'm done.
    Otherwise the casting drawing is missing a bunch of info the next time
    you open it.
    Aggrevated, Aug 27, 2008
  5. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest

    This is a fantastic idea..... if Pro/e didn't pull out all of this
    great functionality with their base package. I can't "merge" unless I
    want to spend another $1500 on the advanced assembly package.
    Aggrevated, Aug 27, 2008
  6. Aggrevated

    John.R.Wade Guest

    Get someone with a full fat licence to make you a start_cast and
    start_machined (or whatever) pair of start parts, and just re-use them
    over and over. If that's the only function you're missing, it's a
    trivial workaround.
    John.R.Wade, Aug 29, 2008
  7. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest

    You sir, are a genius.
    Aggrevated, Aug 29, 2008
  8. Aggrevated

    Janes Guest

    Get someone with a full fat licence to make you a start_cast and
    start_machined (or whatever) pair of start parts, and just re-use them
    over and over. If that's the only function you're missing, it's a
    trivial workaround.

    Huh? And what will this accomplish!?! And how is it supposed to do that?

    David Janes
    Janes, Aug 30, 2008
  9. Aggrevated

    John.R.Wade Guest

    If you already have a generic linked casting and machining, (The
    casting merged into the machining) then you can re-use them, and
    because you aren't actually making a merge, Pro/E will let your merged
    geometry update. I think. One moment, I'll dump my advanced licence &
    fire up a foundation one... (it calls itself standard design)

    Yup, works fine with foundation. You have to make the merge with an
    assembly licence (mine calls itself standard assembly) but if you save
    the two parts, you can re-use 'em as much as you like.
    John.R.Wade, Sep 1, 2008
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