Layers and XRefs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by David, Sep 25, 2005.

  1. David

    David Guest

    Dear Group,
    I would appreciate some help...
    I am working on a 2 storey building, combining my model with an Xref for
    each floor.
    The Xrefs are big files with loads of layers. I think my drawing would be
    simpler if I could reduce the XRefs to one or two layers each before using
    them. How can I do this??
    Also, is there a way to "switch off" an Xref temporarily in the same way as
    you can with an individual layer??
    Thanks in advance
    David, Sep 25, 2005
  2. Different versions have different capabilities concerning XREFs.

    Unloading an XREF prevents it form being displayed and should speed things
    up considerably.
    Look into VISRETAIN in the help. Once you have your XREF layer setup you can
    have it persist from session to session.
    I you need a few combinations, Layer Manager, or whatever their now calling
    it, can simplify toggling the layer states.
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 25, 2005
  3. David

    Happy Trails Guest

    Layer manager seems to allow you to make up different lists of layers,
    then you can select by listname what you want displayed. I say "seems
    to" because I fooled around a lot with layer manager yesterday but did
    not actually try this function. It is in there though (Acad 2005).

    - Tom

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 25, 2005
  4. David

    Jerry G Guest

    Jerry G, Sep 26, 2005
  5. David

    Happy Trails Guest

    Love that upper case - reminds me of the olden days of teletype

    In my case I'm always the sharee, not the sharer.

    Layer filters are very useful (which is why they were invented, I
    guess) for making up different "models" required for different

    From most of the drawings I get to work on, I need to use about 10-20
    layers each to make up a grading model from which I will make several
    dtm's, linework for the bulldozer computer, different linework for the
    field computer used by the surveyor for layout, different linework for
    the calibration of a site, etc etc etc.

    It is really useful to be able to switch among several different sets
    of layers using a list for this.

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 26, 2005
  6. David

    Jerry G Guest

    Sorry about the upper case. I capslock for drawings, and forgot to turn
    it off. When I realized it was on, I didn't change it because I really
    felt like shouting how much I hate those filters.
    One of the biggest problems I have in my job is the acquisition of
    files from architects that have a zillion layer filters (many the same
    filter with different names) because of the interchange of files between
    users, some different operators in the architects office, some engineers
    working with multiple architects' files.
    Unfortunately simple purging doesn't remove the filters and the layer
    filters act like a virus, contaminating files every time someone
    modifies the file with an insertion. The removal process built into
    autocad is very slow and in some versions of autocad will lock up the
    software for an extended period of time. A file that should be small
    (perhaps a simple detail and title block) in the range of a 1-2 hundred
    kilobytes turns into a monster of 1-2 Megabytes. Email transfers become
    a significant issue, and I have to strip out the filters because I may
    extract the detail for use on the relevant job, resulting in new files
    acquiring the undesired filters.
    If you routinely strip the filters before forwarding the file, or never
    forward your files, the issue is moot, however the majority of filter
    users are not that careful, and many of the recipients are unaware of
    the existence of the filters, thereby spreading this problem. In fact
    one architect I know actually was suffering through the common crashes
    of autocad LT caused by layer filters while I was on the phone with him
    and I recognized the symptom as being the same one I had seen before I
    knew about layer filters (I'm a self-taught cad user having only used
    the small cursory instruction book packaged with the software, and
    forums like this to learn autocad.) He jokingly asked if I had hidden a
    camera in his office since I explained the cause and cure so readily
    without even being there.
    Jerry G, Sep 27, 2005
  7. David

    S. Scalise Guest

    Create an empty layer filter then import same into the drawing. Of, course
    you can go get lunch while waiting for layer manager to open/populate.
    S. Scalise, Sep 27, 2005
  8. David

    Mr. B Guest

    Right. We have a LISP routine that we have setup to automatically Purge the
    Filters every time we open a drawing (then it just a question of saving it or
    not). But they sure do fatten up a drawing - and a lot of people have NO idea
    that filters do this. Many are amazed when I tell them how much smaller the
    files become when you do get rid of them.


    Mr. B, Sep 28, 2005
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