layer rules class in Virtuoso techfile

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by I-F AB, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. I-F AB

    I-F AB Guest

    Hi all,
    Could anyone tell me what the layer function "li" refer to inside the
    technology file of Virtuoso?
    The documentation inside 'ascitechfile' (Technology File and Display
    Resource File ASCII Syntax Reference Manual) of Cadence doesn't really
    help much.

    I-F AB, Feb 19, 2009
  2. I-F AB wrote, on 02/19/09 04:25:
    Not sure I've seen that before, but my wild guess is "local interconnect"?

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 19, 2009
  3. I-F AB

    I-F AB Guest

    I've managed to confirm it with someone.
    It's true.
    I thought it meant something else but couldn't really make sense of it
    at first.
    Many thanks.
    I-F AB, Feb 20, 2009
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