Greetings I've been learning just the basic usage of 2000 LT for some time, now, and the company has just upgraded to 2006 LT. (2006 or any other version was just too expensive). My predecessor often selected layers and copied them to other files, just to show different scenarios. This means when a room or floor is modified, I have to modify one file, then cut and paste the mods to the other files to keep them correct When one building has seven floors, another five, there's about six sites from the hospital, and thirteen blood collection centres dotted around the state, I end up spending an inordinate amount of time in AutoCAD, when I have other responsibilities I would like to see a custom feature added. A layer SELECTION manager. I DON'T mean the filter manager - all that does is filter out layers - it does NOT turn layers on or off. You still have to do that separately What I'm looking for is a single click selection of layers that are grouped for the different scenarios at all these sites. Result: only one file per site, not six to eight. Most of these site files contain layers that show service utilities, walls, room numbers, room descriptions, fire doors, PA speakers, smoke/fire detectors, physical containment (PC) labs, benches and large electronic equipment (along with all the rest!!) Example - a basic building (or floor) outline (walls, windows, doors and room numbers, and all the other 67 layers turned off) Another - a fire layout (walls, windows, doors, detectors, speakers and nothing else) A third - total area usage (walls, windows, doors, benches, equipment, room descriptions) So far, trolling the internet, I've come across an enormous amount of add-ons, but none seems to describe what I want. Some are neat, like turning off layers by clicking on an object within a layer, but that still means I have to pick the objects to hide layers, and then open up the layer screen and turn on the layers I want. As I said - a one click selection to do all this Please don't tell me that the full versions have this facility - I think I would go dig me a hole, jump in it, and pull it over my head. (I wasn't consulted about the upgrade - it just happened, and I don't have the money to get a full version, just to find out if they do) Argusy