layer manager help

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lukebui, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. lukebui

    lukebui Guest

    I create a button that tell it to restore a certain layer manager and plot it out. I have a problem that if the layer manager doesn't exist then it cancel the command.

    Is there a way that i can told it to loop that command. meaning that If it doesn't find the layer then skip to the next.

    Thank for your help
    lukebui, Jan 27, 2004
  2. lukebui

    Scot-65 Guest



    Try this:

    (if (tblsearch "Layer" "Desired_layer") (freeze/thaw/off/on) );if

    Is this what you are looking for?

    Scot-65, Jan 30, 2004
  3. lukebui

    ECCAD Guest

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'layer manager', however, you can check if a 'layername' exists, and take action, based on that. Here is a function to check if a layer exists.

    ;; check_layer.lsp
    ;; Usage: (setq Check (check_layer "mylayername")) -> in Lisp
    ;; Returns: 'Check'
    ;; (if (= Check 1); layer name was found
    ;; (if (= Check 0); layer name was not found
    (defun check_layer (la_name / laylist lt ln lx)
    (setq laylist nil Check 0)
    (setq lt (tblnext "LAYER" T)); reset to top of Table
    (while (setq lt (tblnext "LAYER"))
    (setq ln (cdr lt))
    (setq lx (strcase (cdr (assoc 2 ln))))
    (if (or (= la_name "0")(= lx (strcase la_name)))
    (setq Check 1)
    ); end if
    ); end while
    ); end function
    (princ); silent load
    ECCAD, Jan 31, 2004
  4. lukebui

    ECCAD Guest

    If you mean the 'layer manager' functions (in Bonus Tools, R14) don't exist (when you pick the button), Then in your Acad.lsp file do:
    (if (findfile "ac_bonus")(load "ac_bonus")); load bonus tools
    ECCAD, Jan 31, 2004
  5. lukebui

    ECCAD Guest

    (if (findfile "ac_bonus.lsp")(load "ac_bonus.lsp")); load bonus tools

    Sorry bout that.

    ECCAD, Jan 31, 2004
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