I know I've seen this years ago, but can't remember where. I'm looking for a routine that will bring a pop up box that has layer names and a description of what belongs on each layer, then the user can select the ones they want created. I would also like to see a main box that would precede this layer definition box, giving the user a chance to select a certain category of layers to be displayed in that box only. For example, the main box could have different disciplines such as Surveying and Engineering or even types of layers such as existing layers and proposed layers. I basically am looking for the main box to be customizable. I do have an old AIAlayerguide routine that I never used, it had what I was looking for, however, I wanted to change the main box choices since I don't deal with architectural, landscaping, electrical and several others. I could edit the layer selections of each discipline, but had to remember what layers each discipline actually contained. Hope I'm clear as to what I'm looking for and not confused anyone. Jason