Layer and Style Translator

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Doug Broad, Apr 21, 2004.

  1. Doug Broad

    Doug Broad Guest

    Michael's code was perfect. It runs quickly and reports the changes
    at the command line. I hadn't had a chance to fully implement
    the styles and dimstyles part of mine but his does all that very well.

    Thanks again Michael!!

    And thanks for your contributions Steve.

    Doug Broad, Apr 23, 2004
  2. Ummm, thank you for the kind words Doug, but I found out this
    morning it wasn't quite perfect. A couple functions had superfluous
    local declarations; worse yet (oh the shame), two were missing
    locals. Hopefully I have fixed it all ... and didn't break it
    in the process (a quick test run went fine).

    Glad it could help tho, from the sounds of it yer up to yer nads
    in gators. I know you could pen this in about an hour yourself; it's
    no biggie, but an hour's and hour, and that's another couple pc's
    fixed up at the lab right?

    Cheers Mr.Ed :)

    (defun c:BindFix15
    ;  BindFix15.lsp (AutoCAD 2000+)
    ;  Copyright 2003 · Michael Puckett · All Rights Reserved
    ;  Ver 1.01 2004/04/23 fixed:
    ;     __RenameTableEntry had superfluous local decl. 'data'.
    ;     __RenameTableEntryViaActiveX had superfluous local decl. 'data'
    ;     __StripBindingArtifacts missing local decl. 'ceiling'.
    ;     __GetUniqueTableEntryName missing local decl. 'i'.
    (  /
    ;  local defuns
    ;  local vars
    ;  local defun __GetTableEntries
    (defun __GetTableEntries ( table / data result )
    (while (setq data (tblnext table (null data)))
    (setq result
    (cons (cdr (assoc 2 data)) result)
    ;  local defun __RenameTableEntry
    (defun __RenameTableEntry ( doc table oldname newname )
    ;  wrapper for __RenameTableEntryViaObjname
    ;  and __RenameTableEntryViaActiveX functions
    (setq table
    ((eq (setq table (strcase table t)) "ltype") "linetype")
    (t table)
    (if (member table '("style" "dimstyle"))
    ;  autodesk made textstyles and dimstyles read-only to
    ;  the automation model w/regards to the symbol name, why?
    (__RenameTableEntryViaObjname table oldname newname)
    (__RenameTableEntryViaActiveX doc table oldname newname)
    ;  local defun __RenameTableEntryViaObjname
    (defun __RenameTableEntryViaObjname ( table oldname newname / data )
    ;  calling function responsible for
    ;  ensuring appropriate data passed
    (cons 2 newname)
    (assoc 2 (setq data (entget (tblobjname table oldname))))
    ;  local defun __RenameTableEntryViaActiveX
    (defun __RenameTableEntryViaActiveX ( doc table oldname newname )
    ;  calling function responsible for
    ;  ensuring appropriate data passed
    (read (strcat "vla-get-" table "s"))
    ;  if you wanted this to be more robust
    ;  you could use the following ...
    ;  (vl-catch-all-apply
    ;     (function
    ;        (lambda ()
    ;           (vla-put-name ...)
    ;        )
    ;     )
    ;  )
    ;  I chose to pass valid data instead
    ;  local defun __StripBindingArtifacts
    (defun __StripBindingArtifacts ( entry / i done ceiling )
    (  (wcmatch entry "*`$#`$*")
    (setq i 0 ceiling (strlen entry))
    (while (and (not done) (< i ceiling))
    (if (wcmatch (substr entry (setq i (1+ i)) 3) "`$#`$*")
    entry (substr entry (+ i 3))
    done  t
    ;  local defun __GetUniqueTableEntryName
    (defun __GetUniqueTableEntryName ( table entry / i )
    (  (tblsearch table entry)
    (setq i 1)
    (tblsearch table
    (strcat entry "_" (itoa (setq i (1+ i))))
    (strcat entry "_" (itoa i))
    (  t entry  )
    ;  "main"
    (  (< 14 (atoi (getvar "acadver")))
    (setq doc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
    (foreach table '("block" "dimstyle" "layer" "ltype" "style")
    (foreach entry (reverse (__GetTableEntries table))
    (  (wcmatch entry "*`$#`$*")
    (setq newname
    (__GetUniqueTableEntryName table
    (__StripBindingArtifacts entry)
    (strcat "\n"
    (if (tblsearch table newname)
    "Renamed "
    table " "
    entry " => "
    newname "."
    "Could not rename "
    table " "
    entry "."
    (  t (princ "\nSorry, penned for AutoCAD 2000+."))
    michael puckett, Apr 23, 2004
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