Launch an Excel Spreadsheet from AutoCad?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mr. B, Nov 24, 2006.

  1. Mr. B

    Mr. B Guest

    I've a client who wants to (if possible) be able to launch Excel spreadsheets
    from AutoCad.

    No I know that:
    1) You can do an OLE link to Excel cells into AutoCAD...
    2) Launch a web page file from a Hyperlinked object

    But can you launch a spreadsheet file from something like a Hyperlink object?

    The idea is that we have a drawing with lots of info on it... the User drills
    down to some of the info (basically zooms in closer to s/he can read it). And
    clicks on something like a block (or text) and UP pops the spreadsheet with
    lots of applicable data and info on that object.

    I'm sure I'm not the first to want to do something like this... so I'd
    appreciate any input and thoughts on the matter (a solution would be even
    better <g>).

    Thanks in advance!

    Mr. B, Nov 24, 2006
  2. Start the hyperlink command, select the object(s), now choose "File" in the
    Insert Hyperlink dialog box and choose the spreadsheet.
    After done this you can follow the linked spreadsheed with Ctrl + click.

    Jürgen Palme, Nov 24, 2006
  3. Mr. B

    Mark Guest

    See The Survey and Block Data
    Manager programs both export and import csv & ascii data. Contact us
    for a free consultation regarding custom programming and automation.
    Mark, Nov 24, 2006
  4. Mr. B

    Mr. B Guest

    Well DUH on my part!!! I didn't realize that you could select any file...
    just thought it was HTM type files only.


    Mr. B, Nov 24, 2006
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