Last used license not checked in

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Darren J. Young, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. Reviewing our license usage logs it appears that the last license that's
    in use on Friday is either not checking in or SAMLite isn't reporting it
    properly. With only one exception over the last 3 months, SAMLite
    reports that a license has been in use all weekend (48 hours). Each week
    the person it reports the license was used for is different and with my
    options file, licenses are automatically checked in after 1/2 hour of
    idle time.

    Anyone have any ideas? I'd like to get accurate reporting, even over the
    weekend if at all possible.

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Sep 24, 2004
  2. Darren,
    At the end of the day on Friday run an lmstat -a on the license server and
    look for any open sessions. The complete command syntax is:
    lmutil lmstat -c <path to autodesk license file> -a
    Just prior to running reports try running the following:
    lmutil lmreread -c <path to autodesk license file>
    How often do you purge your report log and what method are you using to
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Sep 24, 2004
  3. At the end of the day on Friday run an lmstat -a on the license server and
    We just started using a network license setup this summer so here's the

    Report Log(s) Start: Fri, Jul 2, 2004 13:05:04 CDT
    Report Log(s) End : Tue, Sep 28, 2004 16:47:07 CDT
    Uptime: 85 days 9 hours 13 mins 56 secs (96.86%)
    Total number of users pulling licenses: 28

    Summary For All
    --Available-- ----------License Requests-------- -----
    max hours total used que den unsup %den max hours %hrs
    Summary For: 43400AMECH_PP_2004_0F
    9 17751 1460 1447 0 13 0 0 9 1384 7.8

    I've not implemented any sort of report log (or any log for that matter)

    Do you have any recommendations for how often the logs should be
    rotated? Other cleanup/housekeeping tasks that should be performed

    Hopefully these types of things can be done remotely or scheduled to run
    at regular intervals, because our server room is a hassle to get into
    (as it should be).

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Sep 28, 2004
  4. Hopefully these types of things can be done remotely or scheduled to run
    Map your license server to a drive letter and you should be OK doing it
    i:\lmutil.exe lmstat -c i:\license -a
    Here the UNC path to the license server is mapped to i:

    Peer Hoffmann, Sep 29, 2004
  5. Map your license server to a drive letter and you should be OK doing it

    Thanx. I'll try that...if I ever get any free time. ;-)

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Oct 5, 2004
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