Laser Digitizing a surface and importing into SW2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rocko, Feb 26, 2004.

  1. Rocko

    Rocko Guest

    I was wondering what the best method for brining in a surface that we will
    have laser scanned (imagine a coke can shape with a rock candy like outer
    surface). I will then want to use this scan to cut in half to create a mold
    pocket to make that shape.
    Rocko, Feb 26, 2004
  2. Rocko

    Tim Guest

    depending on how good or bad the data is, points to polys will make a
    polygon model from the point cloud.... it's free (or used to be) from
    Tim, Feb 27, 2004
  3. Rocko

    TheTick Guest

    A point cloud is a point cloud. No more; no less. It's all in the

    The best post-processing I have seen (I have NOT seen it all) is by
    GeoMagic ( If you get in touch with them, they can
    robably direct you to someone who is selling services using their

    I had the privilege of a 3-hour one-on-one demo of this product.
    Geomagic's products are interesting. Not only can it make surfaces
    from point clouds, it can also recognize where surfaces should break
    off into fillets, holes, etc.

    I have had mixed luck with the hacks implementing the software,
    though. I had a die laser scanned and processed. I received a
    single-surface model like a towel dropped across the piece, and the
    service firm insisted that was all they could give us. I know the
    GeoMagic software can do more, like recognize cylndrical and planar
    faces and process them accordingly, so I was really disappointed.

    Moral of the story: talk to the software vendor so you know what is
    possible. Some service firms are either too stupid or too lazy to
    properly implement.
    TheTick, Feb 27, 2004
  4. well, if the points are sorted along curves, it's much easier to handle than
    an unordered point cloud. All you'll need then is our SketchFile macro
    ( which will
    build 3d splines along the points, and loft a surface on the curves.
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Mar 1, 2004
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