large points file - how to cut out a rectangle

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gowhunk, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. gowhunk

    gowhunk Guest

    I have a large (200mb) points file, from which I need to import just a
    specific area into acad. Can this be done from the command line, or do
    I need a separate, or add-in program?
    gowhunk, Sep 5, 2005
  2. gowhunk

    Happy Trails Guest

    Just curious - what does the 200Mb file represent? What type of work
    do you do? I am told Terramodel handles large numbers of points much
    better than ACAD but I have yet to see this theory proven.

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 5, 2005
  3. gowhunk

    gowhunk Guest

    The file represents an area of sand dunes. I'm looking to cut out a
    rectangular area and use acad to generate contours and experiment with
    surface modeling/lighting. I just looked up Terramodel - too pricey, I
    gowhunk, Sep 5, 2005
  4. gowhunk

    bestafor Guest

    Import the file into Excel or some data management program.
    sort by X then Y. Import the XY range you are interested in
    into AutoCad.
    bestafor, Sep 5, 2005
  5. gowhunk

    Happy Trails Guest

    Can XL handle files this large?

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 5, 2005
  6. gowhunk

    Happy Trails Guest

    What Trimble does not tell you on their web site is that you buy the
    FDM version of Terramodel from just about any Trimble dealer for $100
    or so - I think the list is C$375 in Toronto. For another $100 you
    can register it with Trimble for support by phone & email for a year,
    so it's not as expensive as they'd have you believe.

    The Field Data Module is the one they give away with the Sitevision
    automatic grading systems, and you can do just about any dtm
    preparation and points editing with it.

    If you want to draw smoothened contours, or design roads or piping
    systems, or manage a drawing/plotting system, or some of that
    additional specialized stuff, then you're into the bigbucks versions.

    If you are capable of doing some programming for simple processing of
    ascii files why not process your file and throw away anything that is
    outside a given rectangle, writing the ones inside to a new file, then
    process that new file?

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 5, 2005
  7. gowhunk

    gowhunk Guest

    Thanks for that. File opens OK in Excel - need to practice with sorting
    and save formats.
    gowhunk, Sep 6, 2005
  8. gowhunk

    Happy Trails Guest

    Hey John,

    I was looking yesterday for a text editor that could handle large
    files so I could edit Autocad DXF files, and got a few good

    I dl'd and tried one on the largish dxf I had, then remembered fooling
    around with that zipped DAT file you sent me several weeks ago.

    After loading it into the editor (EDITPAD.PRO) I was trying out, I
    discovered that it after deleting the fuzz off the front of the file,
    it actually has 606,759 points in it - not the 64k I/we thought

    I would guess that XL screwed up on that large a file and threw away
    the extra (most) points.

    I then imported the file into Terramodel and I'm looking now at a
    (very) slowly revolving rendering of the whole darn thing. When it
    finally gets through the stack of whatever the heck I asked it to do,
    I'll render a smaller section of it and see what it actually looks
    like up close.

    I'm surprised that Tm didn't even hiccup over almost 2/3 million

    - Tom

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Sep 25, 2005
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