Large gds file

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Sharon Oh, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. Sharon Oh

    Sharon Oh Guest

    I am having problems streaming my layout to gds. I have a very simple
    unit cell, which is a pcell with just two circles. Within this pcell,
    I have set x and y repetition. This generates a lot of circles
    a million polygons) in the final layout. When I export to gds, the
    file is large (around 600 Meg). Is this normal? The file is a bit
    unwieldy to ftp... is there any way to reduce its size (before zipping
    it, that is)?

    Sharon Oh, Oct 13, 2004
  2. Sharon Oh

    gennari Guest

    I assume you want to change the size or other parameters of the circles, and
    that's why you made them into pcells. If this is the case, then I don't
    think you can use a mosaic (array). However, an instance (SREF) in GDSII
    takes around 60 bytes, so you either have more like 10 million circles or
    the circles themselves are being flattened. There are two things you can try
    to reduce file size if you cannot use a mosaic:
    1. Make the cellname as short as possible. GDSII stores the cellname in each
    instance, and if the cellname is long then that name (duplicated at least a
    million times in the GDSII file) probably takes up much of the size. GDSII
    is so inefficient.
    2. Gzip the GDSII. Gzip typically has a 5.5:1 compression ratio, but because
    your file is so regular then the ratio may be 10:1 or more. It's always a
    good idea to gzip a lage file such as a GDSII layout before sending it to

    Also, the circles will likely be written as polygons with a large number of
    vertices. I believe it is legal to represent circles as singe point paths
    with rounded corners, but I don't know if Cadence does/can do this.

    gennari, Oct 15, 2004
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