Large file size images will not show up in PDFs.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JimSt, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. JimSt

    JimSt Guest

    I'm working in AutoCAD 2007 with version 7.0 of Adobe.

    My issue is I'm working with large file size aerial photography (300
    megs a piece) and cannot get the image to show up in a plot to PDF.
    The image will be there when I do a print preview. The image also
    shows up if I instead plot to one of the plotters in the office.
    However once I try and get a PDF out of AutoCAD, it baulks. Does
    anyone know how to work around this or what the issue could be.

    I've come across this issue a couple times before, and now that it's
    my problem and not someone elses... I've become a /little/ bit more
    interested in the solution :p

    Thanks for any help.
    JimSt, Dec 21, 2007
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