Laptops - Dell M70 /Fujitsu Celsius H230

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by awtltd, Jun 26, 2005.

  1. awtltd

    cadPIRATE Guest

    Aye Mateys,

    I finds the Alienware t' be a mean she devil in battle. And at the time
    spanked the pantaloons off the ole M60... But of late me buckos.... It
    would appear the m70 both outperforms, outlasts, and weighs less like
    an anchor and more like a cutlass, unlike the aliens platforms of late
    do... The m70 is not as pretty or sleek in the hips, but she packs a
    mean wallop to be sure.

    cadPIRATE, Jan 5, 2006
  2. awtltd

    Bo Guest

    More good to come, if you can wait a month to see how the CES
    announcements start to shake out:

    "According to Intel, the new laptop platform (Napa) which incorporates
    their dual-core Yonah processor will outperform their current laptops
    by 68%. Along with this will be a reduction in power consumption by
    28%, which will extend battery life beyond 5 hours." from

    This would be a major upgrade for next gen laptops.

    Bo, Jan 5, 2006
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