Laptop Input while on the road

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    I think Laptops are becoming increasingly popular workstations for
    running Solidworks. I've got a Dell M65 that I swear by. For the most
    part, I am at a desk with an external mouse plugged in, but from time
    to time I use it on the move and dont have a good surface to mouse
    with. I'm wondering what solutions others have come up wtih to
    effetively use solidworks while on the go.

    My biggest issue is that there is no scroll wheel on the laptop and it
    only has two buttons. I've been able to emulate a middle button click
    by clicking both buttons together. I also tried to use the trackpad
    scroll area to emulate the mouse wheel but it only scrolls around the
    Solidworks window instead of zooming like my mouse does. I'm curious
    what other experienced mobile users have to say!

    Dave, Aug 31, 2006
  2. Dave

    That70sTick Guest

    I bought a mouse. It's a Kensington. It has a slick retractable USB
    cord. Stores nicely and needs no batteries. Also has scroll/3rd
    That70sTick, Aug 31, 2006
  3. I use a wireless laptop mouse. When space is limited I use it on the
    flats of my laptop with good success.
    Ray Mandeville, Aug 31, 2006
  4. I have a tiny mouse that I run on my leg. :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 31, 2006
  5. Dave

    Bo Guest

    The produce the small BlueTooth scroll wheel-middle button mouse which
    you can hide in your hand.

    They have just released new models that are rechargeable via a USB
    cable and also have higher resolution. I have the "older" BT 500 with
    AAA batteries, and rechargeable makes good sense.

    I run it on the palm pad area to the right of the trackpad on my Dell
    M60, and it is perfect for work in tight places, whether in the shop,
    or hospital, or in flight.

    Bo, Aug 31, 2006
  6. Dave

    me Guest

    How important in your mind is the docking station to a

    And.....can the M65 be used with a true docking

    It seems most of the Insprions can not be used with a
    docking station and I'm not sure if that's a deal
    breaker in a laptop or not? Hence the question.

    I'm assuming that with the Insprions you can hook up
    external monitors and peripherals but I guess a docking
    station makes this MUCH easier, correct?

    I'm dumb abt docking station capabilities so can you
    give me a feel on whether you think it a necessary
    thing in a laptop..a deal breaker?
    me, Aug 31, 2006
  7. Dave

    Bo Guest

    I looked at docking stations, but I move around so much, that I didn't
    see the benefit.

    When I wanted a 2nd screen, I could connect a 2nd screen if I needed
    it, but then I'ld rather be on a desktop if I'm going to my 23" screen.
    Also, what I noted on my Dell M60 is that the laptop nVIDIA graphics
    card only does mirroring at the same resolution as the built-in screen,
    which is very limiting use for an external screen.

    My Apple MacBook Pro and earlier machines would take any resolution up
    to a certain limit, and allow 2 independent screens, which is much

    Hence, be sure you understand what you will REALLY get with a docking
    station, and not what you WANT, as those two may be different. I have
    NOT looked at the technical video specs on the recent M65 and M90

    Bo, Aug 31, 2006
  8. Dave

    Bo Guest

    I might add that the BT 500 I use did not require any software to work
    right on XP SP2.

    Bo, Aug 31, 2006
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