Laptop durability question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Flynt, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. Flynt

    Flynt Guest

    So, I'm about to buy my Dell M90 at last. My last question relates to
    durability. Does anyone have experience of using a laptop as their
    main machine i.e. all day, every day? Do you leave it on all the time,
    exepting when it is necessary to take it out of the office? Any views
    on reliability compared to a tower type?

    When in the office I plan to use it's docking station and external
    keyboard, mouse, 3D navigator and monitor.

    All feedback appreciated.

    Flynt, Aug 8, 2007
  2. Flynt

    Bo Guest

    My M60 with 4 years on it is going strong. Don't get liquids near the
    thing, as you know what mayhem that can cause. If you really need to
    drink on the job get a desktop box and just throw away the keyboards
    when they fail. I get the Dell Complete Care because they repair or
    replace within 24 hours. I haven't found a problem except the battery
    pack needs replacement too soon it seems.

    Haven't used a dock. If I wanted all that other stuff on my desk, I
    would get a regular desktop PC.

    The ONLY way I have been able to keep the M60 running 99.9% uptime is
    to never let it on the Internet, as I use another PC for that (a
    Mac). That way the M60 doesn't get corrupted with malware. It takes
    too damn long to reinstall everything from scratch with all the MS
    Office & XP Pro updates.

    Bo, Aug 8, 2007
  3. Flynt

    Ronni Guest

    I did have a M70 for about a year in a docking station which caused a
    lot of problems, it automatically choose new settings each time I
    started it and was nothing but trouble that way, also the usb ports
    didnt always work (it was the same problems with all the M70s in the
    office 15 pcs). I ended up using it outside the docking station and
    the small screen made it horrible. Like the above poster I would say
    if you buy it for SW get a regular desktop pc, its easier to upgrade
    and you get better components for less money.
    Ronni, Aug 8, 2007
  4. Flynt

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Wow. I've got an M70 that I've used nearly every day with virtually
    no problems. The volume control buttons stopped working a while back,
    but I suspect that this is a software issue and not a hardware issue.

    I use mine primarily alone, but I have a docking station was well and
    it gives me no problems.

    good luck,
    Chris Dubea, Aug 8, 2007
  5. I have a 3 year old M-60 that is my everyday machine. It works 10
    hours a day everyday. At the office its set up with a docking
    station, external monitor, keyboard and mouse. At home it gets used
    as a laptop and it's traveled all over the country. This machine has
    been rock solid and I've been very happy with it. When it was new it
    would give desktop workstations a good performance run but its
    becoming outdated now. A new M-90 would be sweet.

    My only complaint is heat. When it's out of the docking station I
    need to prop up the back of the macine about 3/4 od an inch or it over

    I would definately reccomend the docking station (or at least an
    external monitor) if you're going to be using this all day at the
    robrrodriguez, Aug 8, 2007
  6. Flynt

    TOP Guest

    My Sager (new in 2000?) runs 24/7 most of the time. The paint/coating
    is worn down to the plastic below the keyboard. The battery could use
    a replacement. Other than the fact that SW 2006 and above won't run on
    it because of performance losses, it has been pretty trouble free. I
    don't know whether Dell's are built this tough. The one issue it has
    is overheating due to cat fur in the fan. I have gotten into the habit
    of de-furring the fan on a regular basis.

    We bought a cheap machine for my son and he trashed it in a couple
    years. I bought them used HPs and they are holding up well.

    TOP, Aug 8, 2007
  7. Flynt

    esobota Guest

    I also have a 2.5-3yr old M60, that I use all the time. It does get
    warm unless I prop up the back, which I do anyway for more ergonomic
    typing. I don't have an external moniter or docking station, but I've
    considered getting one. I run some fairly large assembly models,
    animations, and a little Cosmosworks, and the laptop has held up to
    all that pretty well.
    esobota, Aug 9, 2007
  8. Flynt

    Bo Guest

    I have no complaints about my M60, as long as it is on SWks 2006, but
    I did try using an external monitor once and seem to recall I found it
    mirrored the 1900 pixel display but would not support higher
    resolutions on an external monitor.

    A minor irritation with the M60 is the mini FireWire connector that
    DOES NOT have a powered bus. I haven't checked if the M90 does.
    Without that, you need external power source for an external hard
    drive. The worst part of that is if the external AC power adaptor for
    your external HD glitches, and that can trash a drive, as I have done.

    I would be careful to understand what resolutions an M90 will display
    on an external.

    I would also consider looking at the Dell laptop upgrade cycle, and
    consider whether the M90 is EOL cycled now, and a new M100 might be
    hitting the online store pages shortly. I absolutely hate putting
    $4500 into an M90 only to see it upgraded in a month or so.

    Bo, Aug 9, 2007
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