lances moving in sheetmetal flat layout

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Turk, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. Turk

    Turk Guest

    I modelled an enclosure with some lances on a edge flange. I created
    a plane offset from the top of the flange 0.807" and created my lances
    on this plane. When I "flatten" my sheetmetal part - the lances have
    moved 0.065. This planar offset has changed. I inserted the
    sheetmetal feature after finishing modelling - (I guess creating this
    problem) but why would my offset change? I created this offset from
    the top of the flange - it should not matter what radius I am using to
    create the bend? I guess I am missing something here?

    The planar offset stays the same (in the flat)if you create a
    sheetmetal part from the get go. Why the difference?
    Turk, Oct 27, 2003
  2. Turk

    kenneth b Guest

    i can't visualize (planar offset from top of flange???) your description.
    sounds like it's unnecessary. anyhow, lances are usually applied "directly"
    to the face of the desired flange. the location (x,y) of the lance is
    controlled with dimensions.
    kenneth b, Oct 27, 2003
  3. Turk

    Todd Guest

    Just guessing here...

    Is the lance dimensioned to a bend? When it is flattened it may be updating
    the feature because the bend (or feature on the other side of a bend) has

    Check the relations and dimensions in the sketch for the lance that locates

    Todd, Oct 27, 2003
  4. Turk

    Turk Guest

    In hindsight, yes that would be easier - but I wanted the ability to
    change the relationship between the lance and the edge of the flange
    easily (without linking dimensions).

    I could offer my model - I realize my description is hard to

    Turk, Oct 27, 2003
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