Laggy Object snap time

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Adam B, Oct 31, 2003.

  1. Adam B

    Adam B Guest

    Running ADT 2.0 on Win 2k

    On this one file, when i try to do anything that has the use of object snaps
    to an AEC entity (ie. snap line to endpoint of wall/circle to midpoint of
    window) autocad laggs/mouse movement becomes choppy and autocad can't
    deside what snap to use (ie i have multiple snaps enabled).

    i know its not because of the following possible issues:

    1. to many object snaps enabled, because i typically always have these
    enabled and never have a problem.

    2. In the options menu, under the AEC editor tab the "object snap" option
    for 'optimize for speed' is checked, and typically always is.

    Now keep in mind i have my paper space layouts all ready and primed for me
    to complete the construction drawings, and if i "insert" the drawing (wblock
    or not) into a new drawing, i loose all the paperspace entities i've

    i've tried making a wblock of the drawing (which retains the paperspace
    layout) but still has very laggy object snaps.

    any suggestions for solving this issue?
    Adam B, Oct 31, 2003
  2. This probably isn't it, but might be worth checking on if you don't get any
    better responses:

    What fonts are you using? I've found that AutoCAD (R14 - so maybe ADT2 is
    simulair) sometimes doesn't handle .ttf as well as .shx fonts.

    Also, if you haven't already, purge the drawing to see if that helps. If
    you "insert" the drawing (wblock or not) into a new drawing, does it still
    lag? I realize that you'll lose your paperspace stuff but I'm just trying
    to narrow down what the problem might be.


    Michael (LS)
    Michael \(LS\), Oct 31, 2003
  3. Adam B

    Adam B Guest


    purge all the time but just noticed a few entities

    audit all the time no errors

    office standard text for annotations and dims is romans

    however i have about 50-60 aec door/window tags (a little more then typical
    for me) but still shouldn't be the problem.

    the text for the tags is swiss721bt

    yes, still laggy after i tried insert

    the drawing is still workable, but i spend about 3 time the normal time i
    spend on snaps

    any other suggestsion?
    Adam B, Oct 31, 2003
  4. FWIW, I have found that keyboard snap entry is not noticeably slower than
    usual in files
    where the running osnaps have gone "laggy"...
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 31, 2003
  5. Adam B

    Adam B Guest

    Michael B,

    your right in the manual snap is quicker then auto o-snap.
    but its a pain in the but to type in the commands.
    even if i make a macro outof it, having autocad automatically do it is so
    much more efficent.

    any suggestsion?
    Adam B, Oct 31, 2003
  6. Some have them programmed into their F keys. You could
    amend your PGP file.......
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 31, 2003
  7. Tom, how far is "extremely far" (in magnitude)?

    Another long shot is that there is a large number of possible
    , and not necessarily visible, snaps in the aperture.
    (Clipped xref's can have snaps beyond their clipping boundary)
    Michael Bulatovich, Nov 3, 2003
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