known SY

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Callaway, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. John Callaway

    strawberry Guest

    I think this will perform better...
    ; ----- SQUARETEST.LSP -----
    ; Draw squares by area

    (defun C:SQUARETEST()

    ; Degrees to Radians
    (defun dtr (a)(* pi (/ a 180.0)) )

    ; Get area in square yards
    (setq ar (getreal "AreaSY? "))

    ; Convert to square inches
    (setq ar (* ar 1296))

    ; Get first point (bottom left-hand corner of square)
    (setq p1 (getpoint "\nfirst corner of square: "))

    ; Calculate second point (top right-hand corner of square)
    (setq p2 (polar p1 (dtr 45.0) (sqrt (+ ar ar))))

    ; Execute
    (command "rectangle" p1 p2)

    ; Exit quietly
    strawberry, Sep 9, 2009
  2. Strawberry,
    That did the trick! Thanks for sticking with me on this. I
    remember a guy named Dennis that used to be on this group all the
    time. He helped me a lot over the years. I took several years off from
    using cad and when I started using it again, I found out that Dennis
    no longer was on this group. Also, I see there is less traffic on this
    group than it used to be years ago. Thanks again for all your help.

    John P. Callaway
    John Callaway, Sep 9, 2009
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