Knee Mill Drawings Needed

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mindfulmonkey, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. I need a set of drawings for a Bridgeport style knee mill for use in
    documenting some machine repair procedures.

    I need these to be accurate and true to an actual machine. I would
    really like a full model/design/dwg of an actual Bridgeport Mill but
    hey, I ain't choosy.

    I have this idea that some engineering graphics class at some
    outstanding tech-school somewhere must have already done this as a
    class project. This might be just a crazy notion on my part but hope
    springs eternal.

    I would prefer to find these in some AutoCAD 3D format but will work
    with most anything that I can get a handle on.

    If you have something like this or know where I can find it please let
    me know. I am not sure how well I will be able to find follow-ups to
    this in the newsgroup so please also copy me directly via email.

    My email address is <- please take the
    9's out or the email won't work.


    Mike the Monkey
    mindfulmonkey, Mar 27, 2007
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