keyboard shortcut for "add relation"

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John, Oct 29, 2003.

  1. John

    John Guest

    I just upgraded from SW2003 to SW2004. In 2003 I had a shortcut for adding
    relations (that way I didn't have to use the mouse for that).

    I want to create a similar shortcut in SW2004 - but I cant find the "add
    relation" command ... I right-click anywhere on the tool bars - select
    customize - pick the keyboard tab and try to find it in the command list.

    Where is it...?

    John, Oct 29, 2003
  2. It has been shifted to Customize.......Keyboard.....Tools.....Add..
    just above Display / Delete..

    S. Basu
    Subhagata Basu, Oct 29, 2003
  3. John

    John Guest


    In SW2003 I failed to create a shortcut for the view "normal to" - is that
    possible in SW2004?

    John, Oct 29, 2003
  4. John

    Scott Guest

    Next time you upgrade copy out your *.cus file (under the user file folder)
    and you won't have too re-add it.

    Scott, Oct 29, 2003
  5. John

    John Guest

    yeah... my problem was though that SW2004 already uses some of "my
    John, Oct 30, 2003
  6. Yes it's possible.......Customize.......Keyboard.....Others.....Normal To
    By default it is Ctrl+8

    Subhagata Basu, Oct 30, 2003
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