Keep text in (E)PS output from Microstation 8.1

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by jeroen, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. jeroen

    jeroen Guest

    How do I keep font text strings alive as font text strings when
    outputting my maps to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) from Microstation
    V8.1? Right now, they're coming out as vector paths, which is a huge
    burden on filesize for the rest of the workflow (the EPS files will get
    converted to another graphics format for publishing).

    Please provide me with, or point me to, detailed instructions if you
    have them.


    Jeroen Dekker
    jeroen, Dec 22, 2004
  2. jeroen

    Lorys Guest

    Look inside the *.plt file near the bottom there should something about
    font substituion then in you pdf creation program ie distiller make sure
    those fonts are available, then when your pdf is created the text remain
    text strings and are also searchable, nice side effect.
    Check out the printer guide in help also available as pdf on bentley
    Lorys, Dec 25, 2004
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