KBE in solidworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hard stuff, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. hard stuff

    hard stuff Guest

    Hi Friends,

    I am wondering how knowledge based system can be developed using
    SOLIDWORKS. Are there any built-in features to support it. Like CATIA
    has "knowledge advisor", "rule editor" etc.

    any info will be of much help

    hard stuff, Dec 28, 2007
  2. hard stuff

    cempamj Guest

    The integration would need to de done using the solidworks API if you
    are writing your own product. Check out some of the existing products
    that do this. RuleStream and DriveWorks. We sell both.
    cempamj, Dec 28, 2007
  3. For me it would also be nice to get an overview of what's going on.
    Some of the products I know is more like "Product Configuration" than KBE.


    There must also exist som homemade API systems or advanced spreadsheets use
    out there.

    Regards Peter
    Peter A. Jensen, Dec 28, 2007
  4. I'm a veteran AutoCAD design automation consultant. I've recently decided to
    add the Solidworks API to my toolbelt since Solidworks seems to be steadily
    eroding the Autodesk customer base.

    IMHO the macro recorder and the API used in conjunction with
    conffigurations, equations and design table features make it an extremely
    powerful tool to create an in-house design automation application. There are
    several ways to incorporate your SOP and business rules into your
    application dependant on how experienced you are with the variation of

    I'm actually looking for a real world project to cut my teeth on. I have
    samples of other apps I've developed and I have no problem with signing
    non-disclosure agreements to protect your intellectual property.

    If anyone would like to work together on a project like this (pro-bono) for
    mutual benefit please ffeel free to contact me at dmleves at telus dot net.

    Best regards,

    D.M. Levesque
    Dale Levesque, Dec 29, 2007
  5. Peter A. Jensen, Dec 29, 2007
  6. hard stuff

    j Guest

    If you have 2008 it has a basic version of Driveworks called Driveworks
    Express that you could try before buying.
    j, Dec 29, 2007
  7. hard stuff

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Dec 29, 2007
  8. hard stuff

    hard stuff Guest

    Thanks friends for suggestions and links.

    can cosmos analysis be embedded with 3d assembly to develop kbe, using
    APIs only..

    hard stuff, Dec 30, 2007
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