Kansas City SolidWorks User Group - next meeting

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. Officers:
    Wayne Tiffany, President
    Carl Gauger, Vice President
    Jeremy Owen, Secretary
    Charles Durio, Food Chairman

    Date: Tuesday, 6/7/05
    Time: 6:30 - 9:30pm
    Place: Automatic Systems, Inc.
    9230 E. 47th St
    Kansas City , MO 64 133
    816- 356 - 0660

    Main Topic: The back side of SolidWorks - development.
    Guest Speaker: Brian Harrison

    We, as SW users, hardly ever get to see what happens "behind the curtain" at
    SW. If you have attended SolidWorks World in the past, you might have a bit
    more insight into the workings of the corporation through conversations with
    SW employees. But for most users, what you see & hear in public is pretty
    much it. Now, at the next meeting, we will have a unique opportunity to
    "look under the hood". Our guest speaker is a 10 year veteran SW employee
    whose title is "Director, Drawings Development" and in his position, is very
    much a part of what happens behind the scenes. How is the software tested,
    who decides what makes it into a release, how do you make sure that a fix in
    one area doesn't kill some thing else, etc. Ever wonder about those things?
    Or maybe it's just me.. Take advantage of this opportunity - plan to

    If you go to www.mapquest.com and put in the address, it has a good map for
    you. In general, ASI is down the hill from the stadiums at 47th St. &
    Raytown Road.
    We are still in need of someone to work on the website - let me know if
    that's something you have always wanted to try, but didn't know how to

    Mark your calendars and plan on attending. Remember, the meetings are
    always good information, good company, and good food. Talk to your
    co-workers and suggest they also attend. As usual, please reply to this
    email with your confirmation of attendance so we know how much food to have
    on hand. I don't know what the menu will be yet, but we have yet to have
    any complaints.

    Wayne Tiffany

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 29, 2005
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