Just a few more hours . . .

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sporkman, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Anybody still interested in downloading my Palette Parts do so this
    morning or early afternoon. See my original post which started the
    thread "Come & get it ... standard parts -- thru the weekend and
    Monday". I'll be cleaning out the directories late this afternoon or
    early this evening (Monday, June 28th).

    Sporkman, Jun 28, 2004
  2. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Palette Parts are gone from FTP site now, sorry. Guest user account is
    disabled. Hopefully Seth Renigar will be able to upload his mold
    components soon and then another account will be re-enabled. You'll
    have to "talk" to him about that . . . I'm on vacation. ;-)
    Sporkman, Jun 29, 2004
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