Jpg quality

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Kris, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. Kris

    Kris Guest


    I am trying to use the jpg export feature of Solidworks 2001. It works
    great, but I don't seem to be able to adjust the quality. What I see on the
    screen is exactly what is replicated in the file. The problem is, the
    screen quality is low enough that the curved objects are somewhat jagged.

    I have adjusted the "image quality" option (the thing with the little circle
    that gets more or less jagged as you adjust it), but that doesn't seem to
    affect how the model appears on the screen.

    I have tried hitting the "green light" rebuild button (after adjusting image
    quality), but that doesn't show a change either. The file is an assembly,
    but I do have the box checked to copy the setting to components. Any
    assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kris, Sep 3, 2003
  2. TO get a slightly better image you can use 'AntiAlias edges', and have the
    outline lines on (Show HLR edges in shaded mode or something linke that).
    That sould get rid of the jagged edge. For even higher quality perhaps
    create a 2D drawing, set the views to shaded with HLR edges shown, and then
    save as TIFF file as you can set the resolution etc. I'm speaking of SW2003
    here by the way.

    Lee Bazalgette, Sep 3, 2003
  3. Kris

    Brian Park Guest

    I gave up on the .jpg output in S/W a year ago, because the resulting image
    is just too noisy for use, and there is no apparent way to adjust. Instead I
    save as a .tif and open the image up in Irfanview (free on the web) then
    save it as .jpg there. Voila no noise, and Irfanview is a great little
    program for image manipulation.

    DVC Co.
    Brian Park, Sep 3, 2003
  4. Another option is use a simple render (if you have PhotoWorks) unless you
    want line images then I would go to a drawing and use tiff I always set my
    tiff at 600dpi works great for our user manuals.

    Corey Scheich, Sep 4, 2003
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