JPEG madness

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jim Sculley, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. Jim Sculley

    Jim Sculley Guest

    I'm creating some images for a technical specification. Each is a
    detail view of an assembly with different components/configurations
    displayed to show the various steps of a process. I'm using shaded
    views, adding a dimension or two and saving as JPEG. The first attempt
    turned out fine. All subsequent attempts refuse to save as a color
    image. They show up as greyscale. If I attempt to resave the first
    image which was OK, it too shows up as greyscale. Madness. Sheer madness.

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Apr 30, 2004
  2. Jim,

    I just went through this and may be able to help. First, make sure you have
    SP2 minimum. Then, in Photoworks, choose "render to file". Make sure to
    check "use Solidworks materials and color" if you are already set up
    properly. The default is .BMP but there is an option for JPEG. I always set
    the picture size to 20"x (fixed aspect ratio) which tells you that the file
    size will be 4 MB or so. When the JPEG is actually rendered it turns out to
    be more like 450KB but with photoworks anti-aliasing and resolution. The
    same in a BMP is about 6MB but zips down to less than 100KB. Both look
    terrific. You might want to check your printer setup to be sure you have
    AUTO or COLOR selected.

    Dennis Deacon, Apr 30, 2004
  3. Jim Sculley

    Todd Guest


    Even when it's working you can do much better for screen capturing than
    with what is available in SWX.

    I use a program from Techsmith called SnagIT which is easy to use and is
    so much faster and better than SWX capture. It's shareware, and if
    you don't pay the $10 it will begin watermarking your pictures in 30
    days. I have purchased this tool because it works great. However, I do
    have an older version which doesn't nag or watermark, and I'm happy to
    email it to you if you like. Just send me an email.

    Todd, Apr 30, 2004
  4. Jim Sculley

    kenneth b Guest

    not ideal, but in sw you can do a print preview, then print screen (or
    alt+print screen), paste into application of choice & crop edges. image is
    quite nice using this method.
    kenneth b, Apr 30, 2004
  5. Jim Sculley

    kenneth b Guest

    someone posted this macro a while back, it may help you.

    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim ModelDoc2 As Object
    Dim filenameIn As String
    Dim widthIn As Long
    Dim heightIn As Long

    Sub main()

    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set ModelDoc2 = swApp.ActiveDoc

    ' path where Bitmap should be saved
    filenameIn = "c:\temp\test.bmp"
    ' desired height and width
    widthIn = 1056
    heightIn = 816

    ' save and check if okay
    If ModelDoc2.SaveBMP(filenameIn, widthIn, heightIn) Then
    MsgBox filenameIn & " saved successfully"
    End If

    End Sub
    kenneth b, Apr 30, 2004
  6. Jim Sculley

    Sporkman Guest

    Try Captura (free)
    Works fine

    Sporkman, May 1, 2004
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