Join Plines/ Eliminate Gaps?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Simon, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Simon

    Simon Guest

    Hi group,

    What's the best way to reconnect broken Plines? I don't mean ones that
    touch, (where I'd use PJ or PEDIT) but ones with large gaps created by
    removing doors from walls, etc. I've done a search, but not found a Pline
    specific solution.

    Simon, Nov 18, 2004
  2. Simon

    Simon Guest

    I just noticed the fuzz factor option in PJ. When set high it will sometimes
    join plines together, but sometimes not... hmmm...

    Simon, Nov 18, 2004
  3. Simon

    Jason Rhymes Guest

    Why wouldn't PLJOIN work? Just make the fuzz as wide or greater then the
    door you took out.
    Jason Rhymes, Nov 18, 2004
  4. Simon

    jochen Guest

    Or ... for joining 3D-poly's try out my PEDIT3D from
    It will close gaps too.
    jochen, Nov 18, 2004
  5. Simon

    Jason Rhymes Guest

    Check your elevations.
    Jason Rhymes, Nov 18, 2004
  6. Simon

    Simon Guest

    The problem I had was in setting the fuzz REALLY high so that the pline
    running in the X-axis became a closed pline or polygon, albeit flattened in
    the Yaxis. i.e. if I pulled the 2 center grips in the Y direction the
    supposedly open pline was in fact a closed object. (Hope that makes sense.)
    Simon, Nov 18, 2004
  7. Simon

    Allen Jessup Guest

    I understand what your saying but at that point I don't think any command or
    routine will help. The data is obviously so messed that no automatic
    solution will help. I spent 4 hours reconnecting contours in a old file. The
    work had been done before wipeouts and the contours were trimmed in dozens
    of places for text. The only way to do it was to draw each missing segment
    manually then join the whole line.

    I may be wrong. If you asked in the customization group, outlined exactly
    what you want to do and provided a sample some kind sole might come up with
    a program to help. I just can't envision it from what you've said so far.

    Allen Jessup, Nov 18, 2004
  8. Simon

    arrco Guest

    Could also explore OVERKILL command. I'm not sure if it's a plain vanilla command or an ADT command, but type it in the command line and see what happens.
    arrco, Nov 19, 2004
  9. Simon

    Nick IV 7 Guest

    I use and teach the FILLET command with a zero radius for trimming and
    lines extend and touch.

    Nick IV 7, Nov 20, 2004
  10. Jimmy Bergmark, Nov 21, 2004
  11. Simon

    Simon Guest

    Hi Jimmy,

    I tried your pljoinfuzz.lsp but get the following msg:

    Select object to join: ; error: bad SSGET list

    Simon, Nov 22, 2004
  12. Simon

    Simon Guest

    Ni Nick IV 7,

    I use the zero radius on intersecting lines but it's the parallel ones that
    are giving me problems...

    Simon, Nov 22, 2004
  13. Simon

    Simon Guest

    Overkill is great for deleting exact duplicates but does it join polylines?

    Simon, Nov 22, 2004
  14. Simon

    lsaapedd Guest

    One of the better functions in Mechanical, AMJOIN.
    Using AMJOIN, you can connect lines, polylines, arcs, or circles. You can also join overlapping entities, to form a single element.

    lsaapedd, Nov 22, 2004
  15. Simon

    Nick IV 7 Guest

    Ah. So extending them doesn't work then ?

    Nick IV 7, Nov 22, 2004
  16. Simon

    arrco Guest

    I've used it to join lines before, so long as they are within the fuzz distance, it will delete the two shorter lines and create one line from them. There are also setting about ignoring layers and linetypes and such, but I've just kept everything checked.
    arrco, Nov 22, 2004
  17. Simon

    Simon Guest

    I'll give that a try, arrco, thanks.
    Simon, Nov 23, 2004
  18. Simon

    Simon Guest

    Nope, extend doesn't work on parallels...

    Simon, Nov 23, 2004
  19. Simon

    Simon Guest

    Just tried that w/ the fuzz factor adjusted: works great, thanks very much

    Simon, Nov 23, 2004
  20. Simon

    Nick IV 7 Guest

    If they are in line (ie would project and meet) it may be that it was
    drawn inaccurate. So if you drew rectangle then trimed out a bit then
    extended the ends back. The rectangle is obviously acurate.

    If it was originally drawn as a multiline you may have to explode it
    them extend ?

    There may a lisp out there.


    Nick IV 7, Nov 26, 2004
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