compiled import com.ptc.cipjava.*; import com.ptc.pfc.pfcSession.*; import com.ptc.pfc.pfcGlobal.*; import com.ptc.pfc.pfcCommand.*; public class myInstallTest{ public static void start (){ System.out.println ("Start install test started"); } public static void stop (){ System.out.println ("Start install test stopped"); } } "javac" compiles OK, so my CLASSPATH is OK and my PATH points to a javac.exe start proe from the dir this freshly compiled .class is in and register this protk.dat: name myInstallTest startup java java_app_class myInstallTest java_app_start start java_app_stop stop allow_stop true delay_start false end "startup of myInstallTest failed" WTF wzzl btw I installed jdk1.3.1_04 like the PTC website says