IV User's Perspective of SWW

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sean Dotson, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. Sean Dotson

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Sean Dotson, Feb 3, 2005
  2. Snip and then quoting from your first day
    points that > SWX needs to improve to stay ahead of the market.

    1. ease of use
    2. reliability
    3. large assembly performance
    4. large drawing performance
    5. add value and innovation

    It could be argued that he's never had to change the slide because they have
    never made any of the improvements, with the exception of item 5! For all of
    the changes in the user interface, I'm not so sure that it has really gotten
    much easier to use. I certainly haven't seen any increase in reliability
    since I started using SW98+. Quite the contrary, in fact, as 98+ seemed to
    be rock solid. Large assembly and drawing performance still suck. I went to
    SWW 2000 and there were promises that the next release would have big
    improvements in performance. I never saw any real improvement, and I don't
    remember anyone on the newsgroup claiming that they had seem any either.

    I'm glad to see that they've hired Richard Doyle. I hope he and Mark
    Biasotti will have some real influence on SW.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 3, 2005
  3. Sean Dotson

    Jeff N Guest


    Now you see how I justify my Inventurds comment. ;p

    6 year solidworks noobie.
    Jeff N, Feb 3, 2005
  4. Sean Dotson

    Sean Dotson Guest

    Well now let's not go that far. <g> I think Inventor is a good tool.
    Personally I dislike SWX's user interface. Funny thing is that some of the
    SWXs guys agreed that IV had the better UI however they still chose SWX. So
    maybe if I can get past the UI I'll see some of the other benefits.

    I'm willing to admit when (if) I'm wrong. After I do some testing I'll be
    sure to let everyone know of my findings.
    Sean Dotson, Feb 3, 2005
  5. Sean Dotson

    pete Guest

    Thanks Sean, that was a good read.
    Your unbiased reporting makes you a star, be it for Inventor or solidworks.

    Ps, bet you change over to join us !! lol :p
    pete, Feb 3, 2005
  6. Sean Dotson

    HumanAmp Guest

    Great reports - felt like I was there !

    I appreciate your candor and honesty re swks and IV ... makes such a
    refreshing change from the usual my xxxxx is better/bigger/faster than
    your yyyyy. You made some great points, and a very interesting read.
    HumanAmp, Feb 4, 2005
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