IUS 5.83

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Stefan Joeres, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. I'm desperately waiting for IUS 5.83 (wreal-connect modules), can anyone
    tell me when it will be available for download ?

    I'm getting daily mails from sourcelink with updates to the "doc files of
    IUS 5.83" without the software itself.
    Any news ?


    Stefan Joeres, Dec 5, 2006
  2. Stefan,

    I'm curious, what does it mean "wreal-connect modules"?

    Bernd Fischer, Dec 5, 2006
  3. I'm curious, what does it mean "wreal-connect modules"?

    "It is said" that IUS 5.83 will be able to connect wreal-type nets (event
    driven) to analog nets and vice versa through automaticall inserted connect
    modules (as done with logic/analog types).

    I don't know anything more, yet ... but I'm also curious, so I'm waiting for
    the release.


    Stefan Joeres, Dec 5, 2006
  4. Stefan Joeres

    dbwalker0min Guest

    I have heard it will be available by the end of the week.

    David Walker
    dbwalker0min, Dec 5, 2006
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