"It's either all or nothing" - A2k4

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Joe Burke, Jul 7, 2003.

  1. Joe Burke

    Joe Burke Guest

    Guru dudes:

    As I work my way through the transition from AutoLisp to Vlisp ActiveX,
    there's an important issue I need to consider. Can I mix AutoLisp functions
    with Vlisp/ActiveX stuff? And related, how does A2k4 impact this question?

    I've read the thread, quoted above, by R. Robert Bell dated 10/8/2001. Also
    other threads related to the same topic, i.e., the eLock error in A2k2 and
    previous A2kx versions. I have Stephan Koster's latest PreventLockError.arx
    and I've run Stephan's "test" functions to confirm this mess is a problem
    while running A2k2 without Stephan's ARX.

    I think Jason said the eLock error does not occur under A2k4. So this leads
    to my main question: what's the current read on all these issues? If indeed
    the eLock error is fixed in A2k4, does that change the "all or nothing"

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Jul 7, 2003
  2. This problem appears to be greatly reduced. Mind you, I don't have TuFer in
    production yet, but under my compatibility testing it is far better than the
    earlier A2k series.

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | Guru dudes:
    | As I work my way through the transition from AutoLisp to Vlisp ActiveX,
    | there's an important issue I need to consider. Can I mix AutoLisp
    | with Vlisp/ActiveX stuff? And related, how does A2k4 impact this question?
    | I've read the thread, quoted above, by R. Robert Bell dated 10/8/2001.
    | other threads related to the same topic, i.e., the eLock error in A2k2 and
    | previous A2kx versions. I have Stephan Koster's latest
    | and I've run Stephan's "test" functions to confirm this mess is a problem
    | while running A2k2 without Stephan's ARX.
    | I think Jason said the eLock error does not occur under A2k4. So this
    | to my main question: what's the current read on all these issues? If
    | the eLock error is fixed in A2k4, does that change the "all or nothing"
    | approach?
    | Thanks
    | Joe Burke
    R. Robert Bell, Jul 7, 2003
  3. Joe Burke

    Joe Burke Guest

    Thanks guys. That's good news.

    Joe Burke, Jul 7, 2003
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