Help, I have been having this problem from the beginning of getting our new computers installed. When sending a plot to our HP plotter, every once in a while, items will be missing from the plot (blocks, lines, circles, etc.....with no consistency). This is a great concern as our drawings have to be exact. I've determined that it's only occurring on my computer, not on anyone else's yet (thank God for that much) and have no idea why. I do however get an error on the first plot that I make when starting a new session of AutoCAD, it's as follows; You have at least one Windows System Printer configured for IPP_10.0.0.3, so the HDI driver cannot open IPP_10.0.0.3 directly. The output will be spooled through a System Printer, which usually works fine. (Se have tried to select a System Printer that will not corrupt the output.) The HDI I/O port configuration will not, however, take effect. To allow direct output to IPP_10.0.0.3, all System Printers configured to use IPP_10.0.0.3 must be reconfigured not to use IPP_10.0.0.3. The appearance of this dialog may be controlled in Tools/Options/Plotting. I really don't have any idea what this means, and neither did our AutoCAD reseller have any clue. It's completely pointless to contact our reseller, so does anyone here have any ideas as to how to get this to plot correctly? Information Plotter : HP DesignJet 430 (roll-feed) Driver : HP DesignJet Printer Driver v4.65 AutoCAD 2002