issues with V14

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mike, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. mike

    mike Guest

    Blocking and replying to your questions/answers:

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Michael Bulatovich" <>
    Newsgroups: alt.cad.autocad
    Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 8:19 AM
    Subject: Re: issues with v14

    from above: I am in modelspace.....tile is grayed out in the tool bar so
    tile mode is supposed to be off, But; if I click on tile mode which grays
    out the modelmode I only have tilemode objects left on the screen which are
    still in the exact same position as they were when I was in modelmode except
    the other viewport objects have gone away. I think we are really having
    touble with how I say things and how you picture them in your mind. I hope
    we can clear this up so you have a clear picture in your mind of what is
    going on.
    There was never any problem with my understanding of what paperspace and
    modelspace are supposed to do. Only with what model space is actually doing.
    again; the ports are doing exactly what I expect normally except that when I
    draw in say viewport one I also get a drawing on my screen that is not in
    viewport 2 (although it is also in viewport 2) but the object drawn is on
    the screen as if I had drawn it in tile mode and the tile mode is greyed out
    and shoudn't be displaying (but it is) so what do I do from here to get the
    drawn object to only show up in the viewports and not be displayed as if I
    am in tile mode.
    That is why I have come to the newsgroup.......because I have read
    everything that I can on paperspace and plotting and haven't been able to
    discover where I am going astray and hope that somebody can say something
    that will click in my mind and then I will understand what it is that I am
    doing wrong and I will be back to where I was last week before all this
    problem cropped up.

    Again......Thank you very much for your efforts to help me figure this out.


    mike, Jul 11, 2006
  2. mike

    longshot Guest

    you do know that you can have multiple viewports in modelspace right?
    longshot, Jul 11, 2006
  3. We *are* having semantic problems.

    My mistake. I meant to say that *paperspace* objects only appear in
    (you don't draw *in* tile mode. you draw in mspace or pspace. tilemode is
    merely a 'switch'.)
    (tilemode can not be 'displayed'. pspace can, and mspace can.)

    If I understand correctly, it sounds like you have overlapping floating
    viewports, but don't know it, because you are zoomed in too tight.

    Try the following from the command line:


    Now try the CONTROL-R key-combo a few times. As you do the cursor will
    appear trapped within one vport at a time, cycling through the ports. Is
    there a big one there you were unaware of? If so delete it, and your
    'problem' will probably go with it.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jul 11, 2006
  4. "tiled" ones only, and they don't show when tilemode=0.
    See my other post.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jul 11, 2006
  5. mike

    mike Guest

    apparently (sorry that I don't explain things very well)!!
    Apparently I have been drawing in tilemode not sure what problems that is
    going to cause me in the future.
    BUT....tilemode is in fact displayed......when I go to tilemode all the
    paperspace and modelspace lines/text goes away and all I have is my drawing
    to deal with (nothing but a blank black screen) so that is where I have been
    doing my drawing. Every/all my zoom, pan and drawing functions seem to work
    just fine.

    THANKS MichaelB!!!!

    Now on to my other problem.........Plotting

    When I have a drawing and I do a print preview the drawing is miniscule on
    the page.

    What I am doing is loading the ANSI A template. If I do nothing and go to
    paperspace and then do a print preview the drawing is tiny on the page and
    prints exactly as it is do I get it to fill the page as
    it should?

    mike, Jul 12, 2006
  6. mike

    longshot Guest

    print window>>> select the window you want to plot & check the scale to fit
    longshot, Jul 12, 2006
  7. I'm glad your problem is resolved, but see below:

    The fact that modelspace can be viewed with TILEMODE on or off causes some
    difficulty in talking about paperspace/modelspace issues. TILEMODE only
    determines whether paperspace can be viewed in your port. Its incorrect IMHO
    to think of it as a "place" you can "go". When it's on you can see only one
    "place": modelspace. Your viewports have to 'tile' within the main viewport

    When it's off you can see paperspace, and *if* you have floating viewports
    turned on, you can see some or all of modelspace within the ports. The ports
    *don't* have to tile, and the space between them is paperspace. It's
    tempting to say that when TILEMODE is off that "I'm *in* paperspace", but
    that ain't necessarily so. The "current space" can be either Paper or Model
    with TILEMODE off, so TILEMODE by itself is not a place but rather
    determines a 'condition'. Your UCSICON can tell you what space you are "in",
    as can the STATUS command.

    While annoying to many, I think that a good dose of careful pedantry when
    remotely discussing CAD avoids a lot of frustrating confusion, and I highly
    recommend it. You can take it too far of course, but that isn't the usual
    problem. Most of the confusion comes from imprecision.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jul 12, 2006
  8. mike

    mike Guest

    Thanks again for your help.

    I still don't fully understand why I can't or shouldn't draw in Tilemode. I
    realize that I only see the object that I am drawing and am not sure that I
    actually need to see two or more viewports at the same time (usually).
    Drawing in tilemode for me gets rid of everything except the object that I
    am drawing on (no borders to look at and distract me or other drawing views
    and the plus for me is that the object is filling the full screen). I have
    to admit that I have no formal training in AutoCAD and really need to be
    educated as to why I should be doing my drawings in modelmode using
    viewports. The way that I understand it is that tilemode is where the object
    it in reality, modelmode is where you have viewports so that you can see
    your object in different views and paperspace is where you look at it so you
    can make it print on the page exactly as you want it orientated.
    I think that maybe, if you would like, we could continue the discussion off
    the newsgroup so as not to clutter the newsgroup with such trivial
    discussions of issues that really don't concern anybody else except me. If
    so we can continue via email.

    mike, Jul 12, 2006
  9. mike

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Go back and re-read the previous responses. There is no such thing as
    "drawing in tilemode." TILEMODE is a setting, that places you either in
    Model Space (TILEMODE = 1) or Paper Space (TILEMODE = 0). You can draw
    either in Model Space, or Paper Space, but Model Space is intended for the
    bulk of your work (i.e., your CAD "Model" of your project), while Paper
    Space is intended only for objects that will appear on your printed output
    (the "Paper"); this, of course, includes floating VIEWPORTS, which are
    analogous to "ports" through which you are able to "view" your Model.

    If that concept still escapes you, then perhaps it's time to find something
    else to do with your time.
    Paul Turvill, Jul 12, 2006
  10. mike

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Oh, and I should add, when you're discussing topics like AutoCAD you need to
    act as if you know a little of the correct jargon. Many of the terms you use
    ("modelmode" for example) have no meaning, and the way you use them just
    underscores our growing opinion that you don't understand even the most
    basic concepts. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone to help you
    with your difficulties.
    Paul Turvill, Jul 12, 2006
  11. See my previous post.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jul 12, 2006
  12. mike

    mike Guest

    Thanks Paul
    I am getting there. I understand now that I am drawing in Model Space but
    only using one viewport (my screen). Please excuse my ignorance....I am
    indeed unskilled in AutoCAD. I have lots of time (retired) and am trying to
    draw some preliminary drawings of what I want for a house to retire in. I am
    reading, playing and asking questions in hopes that this will become easier
    as I progress and get me where I want.
    What I hope to accomplish is to have 2D working drawings using multiple
    layers that can be placed in the hands of a competent draftsman (AutoCAD)
    designer so that he/she has a good working drawing of exactly what it is
    that I want. I don't think I want to mess too much with paperspace as I only
    have a DeskJet printer and cannot plot to architectural size of paper.
    Although I would like to be able to print things on my printer in paperspace
    and then erase paperspace and create a new paperspace that shows/plots to
    architectural paper for submittal to building inspectors to attain permits
    to build said building.
    Again I plead much ignorance and no training, but please bear with me as I
    attempt to learn.


    mike, Jul 12, 2006
  13. mike

    longshot Guest

    you don't need to erase paperspace, you can copy the titleblock & floating
    viewports as many times as you like
    longshot, Jul 12, 2006
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